Chapter:: Twelve

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When I get off the bus to Washington, I didn’t expect to have made any friends. But when I step off the bus at 5 the next morning after I leave, a boy and a girl are by my side.

Calla and Malcom, but he likes to be called Malc. They are a cute couple that remind me a little of somebody but I can’t remember. While we were getting to know each other, Calla suggested that I stay with them in their apartment.

“Are you sure you have room for me?” I question as I readjust my bag over my shoulder. Glancing around, I saw everybody that crowded the bus filing out and finding their loved ones. I tried not to focus on the fact that I had nobody here waiting for me.

Calla doesn’t even glance at Malc before she answers. “Of course we have room! We have a two bedroom apartment.” She explains to me and grabs my hand, dragging me to the right where Malc is already walking to the parking lot. On the bus, they were sitting in the seats next to me on the opposite aisle. Calla was wide awake and fidgeting; she didn’t like long car rides where she wasn’t driving. Her boyfriend, Malc she said, was sleeping. She asked me where I came from, why I was here, and what my name is. The second question was the hardest, but I shrugged and told her a change of scenery. She understood that. She told me that they were coming from Vegas, which she didn’t think was that impressive.

It was hard not to like her, and Malc seemed like the quiet one who noticed things. If Malc had a problem with his loud girlfriend giving away their spare bedroom, he didn’t voice it. I shrugged off the feeling like I was intruding. She said it was fine.

“That would be awesome. I didn’t really think about money for hotels.” I lie through my teeth. I had $150 nestled in my bag, from my parents. I asked my mother for money, expecting like forty bucks maybe, and she handed me that. When I look up from my feet, I see Malc glancing at me as he unlocks the car. We all pile in, him in the driver’s seat.

“We have a little welcome back party going on at a bar a couple of blocks from where we live, if you’re down.” Malc surprises me by saying while he speeds down a traffic free street. He pulls into the parking lot of an apartment building while I think about it.

“Yeah,” I shrug. “It’s not like I have anything better planned.”

“Great!” Calla claps her hands together. “We can get ready together.” She tells me excitedly as they get out of the car to collect a big suitcase and a backpack from the trunk. Calla surprises me by grabbing the backpack instead of making Malc take it all. I take a long look at Malc. Soaking in his blue eyes and dark long-ish hair, he had a lean body and the way he held himself reminded me of somebody. It was on the tip of my tongue on who it was, but I got distracted by hurriedly following them into the hallway that led to an elevator.

“We’re on the third floor,” Calla casually tells me as Malc presses the little button with the three on it. I notice that there are five floors, and wonder how the view looks on the top. Not in a ‘oh I wonder if it’ll be better to get it over with now,” sort of way. Or did I? I couldn’t even tell anymore. I shake my head as I hear the ding signaling we made it to the third floor in one piece.

The doors open quickly and Malc walks out first, following by Calla and me. I hear a door creaking shut and look down the hallway on the opposite side I’m following Calla. In front of a door marked 306, I see a ducked head. It’s a long and skinny guy with blonde hair, and when he looks up and starts strolling down the hallway, I can tell from here he has green eyes. I stare at him as he walks down the hallway, totally ignoring when Calla steps in front of me.

“Oh shit, sorry Calla.” I tell her as I keep my eyes on him. My eyes flash to hers for a quick second to make sure she isn’t mad, but they go right back to his.

“Hey Malc, Calla. Up to anything fun tonight?” the guy stops in the hallway, leaning on the wall as he addresses them. I shake myself and stop staring at him. I have Locklan, I remind myself, and I don’t need the cute stranger leaning on the wall. I give him a quick glance before I can stop myself, and he winks at me which makes me blush.

“Hey Tommy. We’re just having a welcome back party in the bar.” Malc tells him as he unlocks the door, letting Calla inside. I should follow her in, but first I glance back at him once more and try a small smile so he doesn’t think I’m weird.

I walk into the apartment and I’m not very surprised with the warm decorations. They seemed to match Malc and Calla perfectly. There’s a tan Laz-Y-Boy in the corner that looked worn in, a couch in front of a small television, and the curtains were blue with white daisies on them. They seemed to be random decorations, but somehow they tied together.

“You’re apartment is so cute,” I tell Calla as she drops the backpack and her purse on the couch. I set my stuff down on a coffee table in front of the couch and watch her as she shakes her red hair out.

“Well, are you ready to get dressed? I think Malc convinced Tommy to be your date.” Well shit, I suppose this would be an interesting night.

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