Chapter:: Fifteen

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When I knock on the white door of apartment number 306, I don’t know what the hell I’m doing. I step closer than a person should when they knock on somebody’s door and almost turn away, except I hear footsteps on the wooden floor.

“Hello? Oh, it’s you.” Tommy says with a smile on his face. His green eyes are bright and he has really long eyelashes. I back up, not sure if I’m too close for his liking or something.

“Hey, um. I was just sitting in Calla and Malc’s apartment and just thought of how bored I am and I was wonder if you’d want to do something fun maybe?” I get out pretty fast. I haven’t been this nervous since John. The thought of his name doesn’t sting like I thought it would. Although I’m sure if I thought of a certain person whose name started with an L, that would do way worse than sting. Pushing the thought of my head, I flip my hair a little bit and smile.

“Yeah, just let me grab my jacket.” Tommy tells me, winking before he goes back into his apartment. His door is open a little and I peek at the comfy looking black couch in front of a small television similar to Calla and Malc’s. The apartment is pretty bare except for a bookcase crammed with books that I instantly want to go and look at all the titles, run my finger over the bindings. “Okay, let’s go.” Tommy says, popping out of pretty much nowhere. He now has a black sleek leather jacket over his navy blue shirt.

“So where do you want to go?” I ask him as we walk towards the elevator I came up the first day I was here. It seemed like a week ago at least when in reality it was three days ago.

“Well, I have a place we can test out. You’ll see, it’ll be a surprise,” Tommy tells me as he presses a blank button on the floors. I look over at him and wonder if I should be worried and if I should’ve just sat in the guest room and cried myself to sleep again instead of trying to be friendly.

When the elevator stops and the doors open, I see the roof. It’s about ten in the morning and it’s cloudy outside. There’s wind so it makes it a little chilly. There are plenty of comfortable looking places to sit. I liked it, but I wondered what he had planned on such short notice of me coming to get him. “What are we doing out here?”

He looks over at me and smiles. “Just sitting.” He puts his hands in his jean pockets and walks across the roof to the edge of the building and sits. Once he gets comfortable, a leg on each side, he pats the open space in front of him. “Come join me?”

I shrug and walk the length of the roof to sit exactly like Tommy is, but across from him. He pats his jacket pockets and reaches in for something. He pulls out a packet of cigarettes.

“You smoke? I wouldn’t take you for the type.” I blurt out, totally unaware. I wonder if that sounded rude.

Tommy smirks at me as he lights up a Marlboro. “I wouldn’t take you for the type to judge so quickly. But yes, I do.”

I had to say, he honestly looked even hotter holding that cigarette. It was weird, but he just looked so relaxed. I think it’s obvious that I’m staring at him so I look away as he runs his hand through his blonde hair. “So, what do you do for fun around here?”

He takes a drag from his cigarette and I watch him as he blows out the smoke. He’s too gorgeous not to stare at. And I would be crying my eyes out over Locklan but he said he was done, so I was too. “Oh you know, a little of this and that. Are you scared?” the way he asks it doesn’t suggest that I should be, he’s just simply asking me a question.

I shake my head. “Never,” and I give him a small grin.

“Well then I have a treat for you, come on,” he grabs my hand while he moves his cigarette to his right one.

Ember KateOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora