Chapter:: Twenty Two

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“Ember, are you ready to go yet? Locklan is waiting for you.” My mom knocks on my bedroom door. I can’t help but roll my eyes. I know he’s here, and even her telling me he is wouldn’t move me along any quicker. I was nervous for our date. Not only because it’s the first one we’ve had since getting back together, but because Locklan was leaving next week for college. He was getting there three days early so he could set up his dorm and hopefully make a friend or two.

He told me a few days ago that he wanted to take me out on a nice date. So nice that I had to dig in the back of my closet for a dress I didn’t think would fit me anymore. It’s a black simple one that I usually wore for funerals but I tried to ignore the fact. This was the only dress I owned.

“Tell him to give me a couple of more minutes.” I raise my voice so she can hear me through my locked door. I was putting on the final touches, like mascara. I didn’t know why I was so nervous for this date. It was just Locklan, and everything was going fine. It’s not like he’s going to take me out on a fancy date just to break up with me.

But what if that’s exactly what was happening? Locklan is different from any other guy I met, that much was obvious, and it would make sense for him to think this was the right way to break up with me. Then why would he have bothered getting back with me if he was only going to break up with me? I decided I had to stop thinking and go out there and see what’s going to happen.

I hear my father and Locklan talking about something. Obviously not sports, though the thought made me laugh. They were most likely talking about old movies, Locklan’s specialty. “Alright, I’m ready to go.” I announce after I get down the stairs. I ignore the look on Locklan’s face which is something I can’t make out.

“Honey, you’re wearing that dress? Isn’t that the one for-“ my mom started saying before she slapped a hand over her mouth. “It looks great on you. I’m surprised it still fits.”

“Me too,” I tell her before stepping out of the door and into the night. I start laughing when I see his little brown Honda at the end of my driveway.

“What’s so funny?” Locklan asks as he fixes the position of a curl. Did he think I was talking about him?

“So many memories in your car.” I explain as I open up the passenger door, not hesitation when the door wants to stick to the frame before I yank harder.

Locklan is silent as he starts the car up and pulls out of my driveway, he’s obviously thinking. “Not all of them are too good of memories, either.” He winces as he probably remembers the time he tried to take me to a mental hospital. But it was also the time he drove me all the way to California to sit in a lighthouse and eat pizza.

It’s a silent car ride where Locklan gets on the highway, going past two exits before getting off. I haven’t been in this direction this far, so I can’t try to guess where we are going. “You know, you’re pretty sweet.” I inform him, although I shouldn’t be surprised when he gets a confused look on his face.

“How?” his eyebrows come together and it’s the cutest confused face ever.

“You know how,” I blush and look out the window when I realize we’re at a local diner that is on the fancier side still. I get out of the car, slamming the door, and Locklan meets me at the hood and grabs my hand before opening the door for me. “Why thank you.”

After we get seated, apparently we had a reservation, the nervousness is at an all time high. “Okay, you have to tell me why we drove all the way to this place and why I’m wearing a dress on a date. I can’t handle not knowing.”

Locklan looks at me, clearly surprised before sipping his Pibb. “Well you wouldn’t want to ruin the surprise, Ember.” I can’t find a hint of a joking matter in his tone and decide he’s being sincere.

Ember KateWhere stories live. Discover now