_The Night Accalia was found_

As the others did what they needed to do, Caius was holding Accalia in his arms with Jane searching the house for any other children or survivors that needed to be killed but none was found but a single piece of paper. Jane put the piece of paper in her pocket on her cloak and went outside where Caius was, who was talking to Aro and Marcus with her twin brother, Alec, and Volturi team members, Demetri and Felix.

Aro- "Caius, why do you have a child in your arms?"

Before Caius can answer, Marcus gave Aro his hand and Aro knew the truth.

Aro- "Well, it seems that Caius has found his mate but now there is an issue."

Caius- "What do you mean, Aro?'

Aro- "It seems that Demetri and Alec here are her mates too."

Caius- "NO! She's mine! They can't have her."

Before anyone could object, Accalia started to cry again. Caius held her closer and started to sooth her. Spoke to her in a quiet voice but noticed she was starting to get cold so he ordered Jane to head back into the house for a blanket.

Caius- "Jane, go back inside the house and get me a blanket. Pack some of the child's clothing as well."

Jane- "Yes, Master."

Jane headed back inside and retrieved the items needed.

Marcus- "What's her name, brother?"

Caius- "I don't know but her name's Accalia now. Accalia Daciana Larentina Volturi."

Demetri- "She wolf?"

Caius- "You got a problem with it?"

Demetri- "No, master. I don't."

Aro- "Enough brother."

Demetri and Alec only looked at their mate from afar. Demetri and Alec only watching their mate unlike Caius's physical affection and care for the girl would last until Accalia was 5 years old, when she would start to seek their attention. Caius didn't approve of it but there was nothing he could do especially when she would cause tantrums when he wouldn't let her.

"Here you go master," Jane said as she gave Caius a pink baby blanket. Caius took the blanket and wrapped Accalia with it.

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~An Unusual Pair~ Aro Volturi x Seth ClearwaterWhere stories live. Discover now