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For years, Aro Volturi was always alone. He was never happy. No matter the amount of partners. Female or Male. He only ever wanted one thing. He wanted his mate. Since his human years, Aro knew he was attracted and lusted for the same sex. So when he married his wife, Sulpacia, at first he deeply loved her. Trying to fill the void that only a mate could do. Sulpacia was the love of his life at the time until she wasn't. He loved men. Men filled the void more than any women could do but he remained faithful. So, he decided to divorce after the war with the Romanians. Accalia always told him that she knew that he would find his only. His life partner but it was going to take time. A long time, especially since his mate wasn't going to born yet until a couple centuries later.

Since, Accalia first turned 13, she would have dreams. Dreams that represented reality. The future. Unlike Alice, Accalia saw the actual ending. While, Alice saw the future depending on what the person's actions took course, Accalia saw what was really going to happen. It was like a filter. It would go to Alice and then Accalia but that never occurred. Accalia was just more gifted than Alice was. More powerful. No one really what she looked like but they knew she existed. She was only know as The true Queen of the Volturi. Accalia was protected by most. She was merciful unlike her husband, Caius but at time she was just as vicious. Sometimes even worse. Accalia once she had reach 8 years old, she had mastered the dark arts. The demonic arts. Black magic if you will. It was common for young witches (warlocks) to master their field of magic such as White Magic or Black Magic at age 13 at the youngest or 16 if you were a late bloomer but never 8. Of course, there were subdivisions such as Necromancy. Necromancy was under Black Magic. No body used Black Magic. It was known to be taboo in the magic world but Accalia and her biological never cared. It was magic. It was power. They loved power and the knowledge for it.

The first time, Accalia saw the dreams was on her 13th birthday. Instead of dreaming of what she would eat or say the next day, she saw what would happen centuries later. She saw Aro Volturi, her adoptive father, and his mate, Seth Clearwater. Of Course, she didn't know his name at first but as the dream progressed, she found out.

The dream-

*This will contain spoilers of what will happen in Act 2, when Aro and Seth meet for the first time and their time together.*

A flash of white hits and the dreams begin. The dream begins with Alice, Bella and Edward all reuniting at the front doors inside the Volterra Castle with Seth standing in the background until the moment is short lived and Demtri and Felix reach the location. Time passes and Jane enters and says, "Enough. Aro sent me to see what was taking so long." They all followed Jane with compliance with Bella asking questions along the way. The group reach the elevators were the usual quiet Elite Guard began to start conversation with one another. "So, Demetri have you received any news on Accalia's arrival? Master Caius wants to know. It seems that he can't the handle the twins. Kaeden is testing his authority and as usual Kaeson is following him." "No, Jane. I haven't. Last I heard was 2 moons ago. She is fine, stating that trouble is arising where she is and that the issue would take longer to subdue and finish off." "Very well. Have you told Master though. Of what you've heard." "Yes Jane I've have." "The children are bigger, Demetri." "Yes, they are. Accalia says that the usage of their magic is helping them grow. She says that with our blood in their veins, they will be powerful unlike other supernatural in this world but gosh what is that smell?" Seth stiffened and Edward knew why. If they found out about Seth's identity then they would all be slaughtered. "Never mind that. We arrived." Once again, they followed Jane and they reached the doors to the throne room. Jane opened the doors and entered the room they did. Alec was the first to break the silence. "Ah, sister they ask you to bring one but you bring back two and...two halves?" Alec knew from the start. He knew Seth wasn't human and so did Caius. They smell was more tame than his mate's. He was a wolf. Cauis was about the take action when his son who was next to him said in a quiet tone so only he could hear, "you kill him or you hurt him and you will answer to mother." Caius stayed down on his chair and leaned back trying to calm himself down. Kane looked at Seth who was unsure of what to do. He knew one wrong move and he was dead. He was in room full of his natural enemies and a human but he had a friend that he had yet to know. He caught the eye of Kane and Kane smiled innocently. Seth smiled in return at the unknown blond and looked down on the floor. Aro was next to break the silence. "What a happy surprise! Ah, Bella is alive after all. Isn't that wonderful? I love a happy ending," as he finished he grabbed Edward's hand and continued, "they are so rare."

"La tua cantante. Her blood appeals to you so much. It makes me thirsty." This caused Kane to smile along with his father. Edward and Aro continued to talk and Seth paid no mind as Kane was taking his attention. Kane was making funny faces that everyone seemed to ignore as if it wasn't the first that this would occur but Seth couldn't control his laughter which caused him to giggle. The giggling would cause Aro to turn his head and look at Seth. He let go of Bella's hand and stood in front of Seth.

"What's your name, little one?"

"My name is Seth Clearwater, sir."

"Clearwater? Maybe Volturi if you stay."

Seth giggled and blushed unsure of what to do and said, "I would love too but I can't. My sister and mother would never let me." Seth didn't understand what he had said came from but the moment he looked at Aro in the eyes, he knew eye. He had IMPRINTED. He saw everything. He saw their first kiss. Their first date. Their first time and their wedding with a small boy toddler by their side. Aro broke the silence and stare when he said, "Well then, we might have to persuade them."

"We might," Seth replied still in state of trance. Aro giggled innocently yet so sadistic to other in the room but innocently to the ones that knew him and Seth as well. A fight broke out which caused Demtri to hold back Alice and Alec to hold back Bella and Aro to place Seth near Kane for his safety but what they weren't ready for was when Accalia entered the throne room. The moment Accalia saw the position Demetri and Alec were, she had growled. It wasn't a playful growl. It was a threatening of 'stay away from what is mine.' From that moment one, Seth knew he had friend that was like in a world that he was the outsider and that moment one, Aro knew he had someone that would protect the love of his life.

And that was when the dream had ended...


~An Unusual Pair~ Aro Volturi x Seth ClearwaterWhere stories live. Discover now