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"Growing old is mandatory; growing up is optional".

"Age is a question of mind over matter. If you don't mind, it doesn't matter".

In some people, aging was scary. In others, people didn't mind. Aging is the way of life and you can't stop it. Yes, people feared about gaining weight, losing hair, losing teeth, dying alone, not fitting in but yet people feared on the topic that was most normal. Growing old. Bella Swan was no exception. Every human on this Earth grows old and dies yet Bella feared it. Bella feared that if she grew old, Edward would live on and she would die off, never to be seen again. Maybe she wasn't wrong. Not everyone was like humans. Not everyone had fear of dying of old age. The Quiluetes didn't. Seth Clearwater. As long as Seth Clearwater, his sister, Leah Clearwater, and his brothers continued to phase throughout their lives, they wouldn't age. The vampires were the same but a bit differently. The moment they were turned they didn't have to age. Stayed the same age and appearance the moment they had died but the Quiluetes when they had phased, they didn't age yet their appearance was much older as if they had hit puberty once more. Their features were more defined. More muscle, more weight, more strength, and more stability.

The moment that Edward Cullen had left, it was a tragedy that caused drama for everybody involved.

Even if you weren't involved directly, you were involved indirectly. The Cullens were involved in the dangers when Bella Swan entered their lives through Edward and the Quileuetes were involved the moment Bella Swan entered their lives through Jake. Rosalie seemed to be the only one that despised Bella. Hated how Bella Swan put her family's lives in jeopardy and Sam Uley despite not showing was the same way, so was Paul Lahote and Leah Clearwater. The others welcomed Bella, due to either friendly nature or because they were friends with Jacob Black. 

Accalia was sleeping due to her werewolf and witch side when she dreamed a dream.

There were in a small home. A home in the middle of the woods. 

It seemed cozy but spacious. It was welcoming. Felt like home but it wasn't. Volterra was Accalia's home but Accalia realized that the feeling of home wasn't her feeling it was Seth. Unlike living the dream itself, Accalia saw herself and others in the dream as she watched herself from the sidelines.

~An Unusual Pair~ Aro Volturi x Seth ClearwaterМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя