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That next morning, Judy woke up in a state of shock

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That next morning, Judy woke up in a state of shock. She didn't even know when she fell asleep or how long she'd been out. All she could really remember was that she fell asleep on Steve's face. Which was never a problem.

"Hey," Steve said, softly, seeing Judy's startled face. He knelt down next to her and put a soft hand on her shoulder, "it's morning now. We're trying to find a way out of here."

"Okay," Judy replied, still in a daze. Looking around at her surroundings, Judy grew concerned again. "Where's Dusty?"

"He's fine, he's fine," Steve reassured her, holding onto Judy's arms as she stood up. "He's trying to find someone on his walkie."

Judy only nodded and stepped out of Steve's grasp. Seeing that she was finally okay, he looked up the hatch and climbed up to speak to the boy pacing on top of the elevator.

"Code red, I repeat code red. This is a code red, I repeat, a code red. Does anyone copy? We're innocent children and we are trapped under Starcourt Mall. The Red Army has infiltrated Hawkins and if we are found they will torture and kill us."

"Hey!" Steve yelled at Dustin as he came through the opening. "You gotta take it easy on that thing. Gonna drain the battery."
"But someone could be in range."

"Whatdya think, Petey the Mall Cop is gonna rappel down here and save the day?" Steve spoke sarcastically.

"Maybe not, but I'm sure David would. Especially if he knew Judy was down here," said Dustin, also sarcastically. Only he knew it didn't really land given Steve's harsh scowl.

"That's not funny, Dustin," he pointed at him, and frowned deeply.

Dustin threw his hands up in defense, "You're right, it's not, but why are you such a cranky pants after–" he whispered now, looking back down the hatch opening at the top of Judy and Erica's heads, "–getting to spend the night with Judy?"

"Shh, man," Steve whisper yelled, uber anxious now that he knew about Judy. "I think we might have actually gotten somewhere last night."

"So you're finally admitting it, huh?" Dustin smiled widely, raising his eyebrows smugly. He knew he was right about Judy and Steve. "Did she have the look?"

"Yeah, I think she did."

"Told you."

Steve couldn't help the grin that etched across his face as Dustin lifted his hand in the air, trying to get him to high five. The boy had such a derpy pleased look on his face that Steve didn't want to entertain his ego, but Steve had to give it to him... Dustin was right all along.

Bringing up his own hand, Steve clapped his against Dustin's in a loud pop. They both giggled like little kids at the impressive sound, not hearing the clanging that came from beneath them.

In the elevator, Erica carelessly banged the cylinder of radioactive goop against the side of a metal drum, frightening Judy. "Woah, woah, hey!" She yelled, pulling the cylinder out of the small child's hands. "Be careful, we don't know what's in these."

Hey, Jude | A STRANGER THINGS StoryWhere stories live. Discover now