💤Mei's sleepover 1💤

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Mei and Mk are on the Video machine playing a fight Game. Mei is playing a robot horse and Mk Play a robot Monkey.

Sandy is behind them and cheer for Mk. Mk was freaking Out and Mei Looked calm and cheerful bcs she was winning and didnt Had trouble Like Mk Had. "Muhahaha try so hard Like you want Mk! You cant Beat my Power" Said Mei Happly and Delightful pushing some buttens of The Machine.

Sandy Had His Hands infront of His chest making fist's looking excited and Panic His eyes are big and Scream to Mk "Push Smash! Push Smash!"

Mk Push hard and fast those buttens of The Machine in Alarm and distress "im trying im trying Sandy!"

Mei laugh evil and Hit/Kicks mk's Robot Monkey looking very pleased "No one can Beat me oh" she cheered prideful and Put one Hand in the Air as a winning sign as suddly her Phone Rings. Mei's mouth is shut and her eyebrown's lifted in suprise. Sandy glanced to Mei looking courious.

Mei stoped playing and pull Out her Phone from her pockets and Look who calls it was mei's mother
Mei move away from the gaming Machine and Looked unpleased her mouth was upsidedown and rub with one Hand behind her head "ho Boy...." She Turn around and Walk away from Sandy and Mk "hi Mom" and talked to her Mother.

Mk smirk cheeky Seeing it as a perfekt Chance to Beat Mei and giggle as He Pushed those buttens to destroy mei's horse robot

Sandy watched worrid, how Mei was so unhappy as she was talking to her Mother "Uh yes! Oh Uh... Ofc! No i-i ah..." She sigh in dispär "yes Mother..." She Looked sad on her Phone as she hang Up

Sandy get beside looking concernd "hey you okey there Mei" He asked Gently mei's eyebrowns Rise Up and her mouth Set in a hard Line and is stand stiff.

Until forced a Smile Turn her head Torwarts sandy "yea yea! Ahah" she laugh nervously until she Turn away hug herself and her arm with her Hand "its Just..." She wanted to explain Sandy whats going on until The Sounds of The Machine was to loud and both Looks at The direction. Seeing that Mk Destroyed mei's Robot and did win. Mk Turn around and stand legs apart and laugh proudly.

Mei Looks sorrowful away and rub behind her head Sandy Look Back at her concernd "its Just my parents wants me to House it" her eyebrown Drew together and her mouth we're slightly Open AS she Heard what Sandy say "and that a Bad Thing?" He Rise an eyebrown and Looked confused

Mei lift both her eyebrowns and wave with her Hands "nooo..." She Said high pitched "Uh.." she Glance on the ground half hug herself "its Just me and my parents.." suddly Mai shut her mouth and Looked suprised Mk jumps Infont of her Holding His arms Up "did Mei Say sleepover at Her House!" He was excited

Mei Shake her head fast and Wave with her Hands "ah! No! My pare-" Mei couldn't even Finish her sentence.

Mk did it again jump Infont of her screaming "sleepover!" Mk Turn around His Back is facing Mei as He rub His Hand Like a fly or villain whispering to himself "i Always wanted to see mei's Secret Dragon house, with Secret Dragon stuff" Mk jump infront of Mei begging "please Please!" He say over and over again and make puppy eyes, rubbing His face litely Against her face.

Mei gave Up and make a bruuu Sound with her lips knowing that Mk will never give Up until she say yes "sleepover it is" she mumble

Mk was Happy and did Not notice How sad Mei Looked "this sleepover will be amazing! Just let me Grab my stuff " He Run Off to his Apartment and Mei Walk to pigsys Shop sitting down waiting for Mk and Sandy with their sleepover stuff. Mei lay her head on the counter "great.."

Y/N cleaned a Table and noticed Mei and got concernd, she Walk over to Dragon Girl, taking a Seat beside her "hey mei are you alright?"

Mei jumps slightly until she sigh "y/n you scared me for a sec" she Fake smiles, sitting normal on the Chair.

Y/N sigh worrid about Mei, knowing Mei's Smile is a Fake Smile "Mei i asked you a Question and please dont Fake Smile Around me.." y/n place her and on Mei's shoulder

Mei gave Up and frown sadly "my parents wants me to House keep and Mk and Sandy wants a sleepover.."

Y/n nod listen to everyword Mei say "and you dont want Them to sleepover but Said yes bcs we know how Xiaotian is"

Mei nod dispirited "yes but you know me and my parents are... Not on the Same Page.."

Y/n pet mei's head "i know, you Feel Like a disapointment to them or that they dont exept you for who you really are... But Mei i Think that you should Talk about it how you feel IT might get better and when they dont understand Then they shoulnd be in youre Life do know what i meant?"

Mei hums sadly "i know.. but their are my parents and i Love Them.. but youre right i'll should Talk to them... Some day"

Y/n Roll her eyes "do what you find right but remeber me and The gang will Always Cover youre Back"

Mei felt better knowing she would Always have Support "thx y/n..." She smiles weakly "can you come to Our sleepover aswell it would make me Feel better and you could hold Mk Back"

Y/n smiles softly "ofc when you want that'' she pet her head "i'll get my stuff dont worry much"

Mei watch y/n how she get Up and leave waiting for them to be Finish packing

Heya im Back, i know i was gone and exully i didnt wanted to continue. my Wattpad make me crazy every time i Text over 1000 words i cant Upload The Story or The half of it gets deleted thats why i only Texted The half of The The oversleep Serie. Does anyone have Tips to fix it somehow or have The Same struggle as i?

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