(Vol 1)First Class

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Immediately after the first-years initiation, Ozpin stands atop a stage in front of many Beacon students in the auditorium. Currently, Ruby Rose, Weiss Schnee, Blake Belladonna, and Yang Xiao-Long stood in front of him, awaiting him to announce their leader.

Ozpin: Lead by... Ruby Rose.

The audience went wild, clapping and cheering for the young newly-made leader. Weiss turned to Ruby, shocked at the words that escaped Opins mouth. Yang, meanwhile, was ecstatic, embracing her little sister in a tight embrace.

Yang: Oh, Ruby! I'm so proud of you!

Ruby smiled, and accepted her blonde sister's embrace. Though, a sudden realization kicked in as Ruby's expression changed from excitement, to one of worry and concern. She walked up to Ozpin.

Ruby: Wait! There was another guy with us! His name was Rent, what's... What happened to him? Where is he?

As she spoke, the audience slowly grew more quiet. Yang, Blake, Weiss, and the others at the initiation with him winced slightly, fearing for the worst. He should've been here by now. But he wasn't.

Ozpin, however, remained unfazed, and closed his eyes in thought for a moment. Opening them, he was about to speak, only for a bright light to invade the mostly dark room, a loud *boom* echoing as the doors swung open. And in the middle of the now open doors, stood Y/N. Unfazed, illuminated and bored, with his mask put back up, and his hands in his pockets. Well, except for his right hand. That was lazily in front of him, palm open and facing the crowd.

Ozpin, much like moments prior and Y/N, was yet again unfazed. When he spoke, he didn't even bother to look at the male walking towards the stage that still held a shocked Team RWBY.

Ozpin: Mr. Rent. Right on time.

Rent: Oh, really? I was hoping I was late.

Ozpin: Everything happens when it needs to, so perhaps you are, or aren't late.

Y/N rolled his eyes before he spoke again.

Rent: Don't get all whimsical and wise on me.

As he neared the stage, he, with air, or just with an amazing jump, jumped up onto the stage, and turned to Ozpin. He briefly glanced at Ruby. Reaching into his jacket's right pocket, Y/N retrieved an oversized chess piece that he threw at Ozpin, who caught it easily. Looking at it, he let out a brief hum, before speaking again.

Ozpin: Well, Mr. Rent, while you did retrieve a relic as you were instructed to, you failed to grab a partner. Despite the fact that you sat for quite some time at the temple, no-one came. It would appear that you were simply unlucky in this situation today, for if there were 3 other people there, you would've made it as a first year here at Beacon.

Y/N looked on in disinterest, and Ruby looked down at the floor upset. Her first friend she made here, failed the initiation. How disappointing. The crowd, for one reason or another, seemed relatively split on Y/N's failed enrollment.

Ozpin: So, with that, I bid you farewell as a first year. And gladly see you now as the second year that you are.

Ruby, Weiss, Blake, shit the entire crowd's eyes widened in shock. Ruby looked up at the slightly taller male before her, who'd removed his mask and clipped it to the left side of his waist, allowing his full face to be seen. When he spoke, his voice was more clear, more defined, now that the mask was removed from his face.

Y/N: Yo.

Y/N cleared his throat, ignoring the shocked and astounded Team RWBY behind and next to him, and turned to the crowd. Now facing them, he summoned a megaphone out of seemingly nowhere and spoke.

Like the Wind (RWBY x Male Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora