(Vol 2)Skill

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Teamwork. At Beacon--and every other Huntsmen academy for that matter-- and even life, teamwork is one of the most beneficial things a person can utilize for their own benefit. Of course, when it does come to these Huntsmen academies, teamwork is the second best thing for every student at said academy.

This ties in with an individual's strength, as well their win/loss ratio when fighting against other teams. However, it is only the third best thing, but it does come close to the first and second most important things for every student, and especially licensed Huntsmen, is talent and experience.

Which is why Y/N Rent of the second year Team SRGE was beating Team RWBY. Though, that's not to say that without his semblance or aura he wouldn't be able to handle them as easily. Granted, he didn't even really use his semblance as a means to attack them.

Currently, the H/C male can be seen fighting Team RWBY in Beacon's arena, the place where combat class usually takes place, with a few expectations. For instance, when Glynda made Y/N fight Team CRDL by himself.

Ruby/Yang: OOF!

Getting back to the fight between Y/N against Team RWBY, Y/N just threw Ruby at Yang, causing the two to get sent launching across the arena, shattering the remains of their aura. Y/N glanced to his right, seeing a charging Weiss, having been sped up with the use of a time glyph.

However, it took a simple lean backwards for Y/N to avoid the strike. With speed she was unable to react to, Y/N brought his hand up and grabbed her forearm. Then, he swiveled on his heel, turning backwards in the process, lifted Weiss up, then slammed her back down onto the ground, dropping her aura in the red.

Y/N looked up at Blake who stood a good distance away. In less then a split second, he was on her right, facing the direction opposite of her. He held the blade Shrouded Darkness in its white sheath up to her throat, his eyes looking to her.

Y/N: You wanna try?

Blake: ... A small part of me wants to, and the rest of me knows I won't be able to defeat you.

With a resigned sigh, Blake held her hands up, forfeiting. A small ding went off, announcing Y/N as the winner of the match.

Glynda: As you can see, Y/N's aura remains untouched as usual, Ms. Belladonna foreithed an impossible fight, while Ms. Rose, Ms. Xiao-Long, and Ms. Schnee had their aura either shattered or simply went into the red.

Glynda looked over to Y/N, as he put his weapon back onto his back. She raised an eyebrow at why he even bothered to equip himself with weapons if he was rarely gonna use them. Y/N also removed his mask from his lower face and let it hang by his neck.

The bell rang, signaling the end of class. Most students began to file out of the arena, with the exception of the rest of Team SRGE who shared combat class with Y/N and the first years. There were a few other second, third, and fourth year teams here, though that was far and few.

Back with Y/N and the losing Team RWBY, Gurren laughed as he walked up to a frustrated Weiss.

Yang: I don't get it! How'd Cardin manage to seriously injure you, but we couldn't?!

Y/N responded by blankly staring at Weiss, a wound in his pride.

Gurren: Yeah, some point or later you just get used to losing to Y/N.

Seth: Unfortunately, that's true.

Seth said, scratching his cheek as he chuckled lightly.

Weiss: *scoff* I could totally beat him without that semblance of his. Even Cardin was able to.

Gurren: Yeah... I don't think you could. Not saying you're weak, it's just that, well, no-one could.

Weiss: What makes you say that?

Like the Wind (RWBY x Male Reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz