(Vol 1)Fall to Rise

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Forever Fall Forest.

 A beautiful red forest that is set eternally in the season of fall, its red/orange leaves falling

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 A beautiful red forest that is set eternally in the season of fall, its red/orange leaves falling... well, forever. Truly, a mind boggling, yet beautiful, phenomenon that still lacks a real answer for its forever falling leaves. And on this particular day, Glynda Goodwith takes the teams RWBY, JNPR, CRDL, and Y/N to it. Leading the three teams, Glynda speaks.

Glynda: Yes, students, the Forest of Forever Fall is indeed beautiful. But, we are not here to sight see. Professor Peach has asked all of you to collect samples from the trees deep inside this first. And I'm here to make sure that none of you die while doing so.

Y/N, who was walking next to Ruby, speeds up a little, stopping right next to Glynda as she also stopped and turned to the group.

Y/N: I'm also here to make sure none of you die. If you see anything you can't handle, just yell. I will guaranteed hear it. Except CRDL. Yall can die for all I care.

Cardin scoffed and glared at Y/N.

Cardin: Like I need some shrimp like you to protect me.

Y/N: I'm sure you know all about shrimped sized things, huh?

Glynda: That's enough, Y/N. Now, each of you is to gather one jars worth of red sap. However, this forest is full of the creatures of Grimm. So be sure to stay by your teammates.We will rendezvous here at four o'clock. Have fun!

So with her parting words, the three teams, and Y/N, split up. Well, mainly CRDL and Jaune, who had at first tried to go with his team, but was dragged back by Cardin. Jaune looked up to Pyrrha, trying to muster any strength to leave Cardin, as she looked back at him hopeful. However, no hero truly gains strength without struggle. So, Pyyrha watched as Jaune left with Cardin, his head hung low.

Y/N: You know, I'll kick his ass if you want me to.

Y/N said, suddenly next to Pyyrha, causing her to jump in surprise.

Pyrrha: Oh! When did you get here?

Y/N: Like 3 seconds ago? I just walked, you were like 5 feet away from me.

Pyrrha chuckled slightly, looking down as she sighed.

Pyrrha: Well, I suppose you're rather light on your feet, huh?

Y/N: Typically. If you want my advice on this whole Jaundice thing-

Pyrrha: Jaune-wha?

Y/N: Jaunedice. Y'know, Jaune and Cardin put together?... Nevermind. Anyways, if you want my advice, I'd suggest you go seek someone else. But also, give him time. No-one really does shit right the first time, theres bound to be some fuck-ups.

Pyrrha: I suppose so. But... Can't he see that we can help him? All he needs to do is ask.

Y/N: That's why he can't. It's too obvious, it's blinding. He wants to be strong, but he can't see that he won't be if he doesn't let you help him. It's best not to pry.

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