Quidditch Match

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Everybody was at the match even the ravenclaw's and gryffindor's.

Lydia walked into the stands to sit down as she wore something that caught the eye of all the guys.

"Please let's welcome the headmaster"
"Good afternoon everyone, let's have a clean game"

Madam Kogawa called for the teams to come out.
"Lets welcome the Hufflepuff Team"

Lydia screamed her head off when her house quidditch team came out.

"Let's go Hufflepuff💛"

Then she called for the Slytherin team to come out.

Just as the game was about to start, she noticed Lorenzo on the pitch wearing a badge that said she has wounded my heart.

It was a declaration of Love aimed at Lydia.

She composed herself and smiled when Lorenzo got on his broom and flew past her so that she could see the badge for herself.

Lydia was lost for words that's when she realised that Lorenzo wasn't playing around when he said that he liked her.

" I want a nice clean game"
Madam Kogawa commanded.
"Remember the game ends when someone catches the golden snitch"

The whistle blew as the game had begun.

So many people flew so quickly that even Lydia couldn't keep up with anything.

Lorenzo kept his eyes on Lydia only focusing when he noticed the golden snitch flying around him.

Lydia held her breath as Lorenzo made eye contact before flying round the pitch trying to catch the snitch.

He caught the Snitch

"Slytherin wins the game"

Lorenzo flew to Lydia and gave a smile as if it state that she had wounded his heart.

Before he landed on the ground below, he winked.

Lydia had some many thoughts run through her mind and completely forgot about her date with Sebastian.

She ran to her common room to get ready for her date with Sallow.

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