Love is in the Air

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The morning after Lydia and Lorenzo had the passionate reunion, Lorenzo woke up feeling refreshed, he went to make 2 cups of coffee for them both before Lydia waking up herself.

"Good morning hot stuff"
"Good morning princess"

Both got dressed and ready for the day.

"What's your plans for today"
"I'm gonna go to Hogsmeade with my girls then probably take a walk down the coast to help my mind distracted"
"What about you"
"I fancy taking out some dark wizards and goblins"
"If you wait till later, I'll accompany you"
"Sounds like another date to me"

Some of the dark wizards still hung about trying to avenge Rookwood and Harlow even after when Lydia took them out of the picture.

4 hours later

As Lorenzo was making his way to the forbidden forest, his owl had landed on his arm with a message.

"Thank you Mozart"
"Dear Lorenzo, hope this message finds you well, I have organised a little something for you and Lydia later, I know you both have reunited as it's going around the school, I'd like you both to join me, regards Ominis"

"Hmmm Ominis organised something for me and Lydia, that's a surprise"

As soon as he could, he wrote a message to Lydia, explaining the owl from Ominis.

Lydia was currently in hogsmeade with her girlfriends.

"Imelda, look at this cute mooncalf, how adorable"

Mooncalves were her favourite beasts to study as well as graphorns, puffskeins and unicorns.

As soon as she left hogsmeade, her owl dropped a message to her.

"Dearest Lydia, Ominis had organised a little something for us, come find me in the forbidden forest after you've finished, yours as long as life endures, Lorenzo"

"Got to go Imelda, Lorenzo has summoned me"
"Okay, see you later"

Lydia ran to find Lorenzo who was in the middle of battle with dark wizards.

"Hey darling, need a hand?"
"Yes please my love"


As the battle raged, the top ashwinder filth turned around and cast a lightning spell to which Lydia caught him.

"Thank you my love"
"You're welcome"

Once the battle had finished, Lorenzo sweetly said.

"Let's go and find Ominis"

They both apperated to the DADA tower.

"Hello Lorenzo, Hello Lydia"
"Hi Ominis, what is this about?"
"Come with me please"

As they started walking, Ominis wand flashed red as he was finding his way through the castle.

The three came to a corridor not to far from the Slytherin common room.

"Cast Alohomora on this gate and then walk in"

Lydia got her wand out and casted Alohomora.

"Enjoy your date"

They entered into a dark corridor but the more they walked the more they noticed where they were.

"Ah miss Lydia, how are you"
"Sir Nicholas, I'm okay thank you"
"There is a table just here for you and your chap"
"Thank you Sir"

As they sat at the table, Lorenzo admired his girl, his heart sounded like a drum everytime he looked at her.

"You look lovely my love"
"Thank you"

As soon as they had eaten, music started playing.

"May I have this dance my lady"
"Yes you may"

Lorenzo grabbed her hips and they starting swaying to the music.

Perfect date, what could go wrong?

Lust at First Sight💚💛Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora