23: Saved!

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A/n: this chapter is less good, but I guess it's here. I'll edit it later, but inspiration told me to write the next few chapters which I like better. I still need to edit those, but for now, a chapter.

"Pap!" Azumi said when she got the phone, "I missed you!"

"Put it near your ear," the cop advised. When Azumi didn't udnersrand, he pressed button and a rambling Mic was heard.

"Pap, I'm here, I'm okay," Azumi said when she got the gist of what Mic was trying to say, "Na sir is taking me to a place where there will be recovery girl doctors."

"Na sir?"

"Yes, he's a cop, a detective even!"

"Oh, you mean Naomasa?"

Azumi looked up, and Naomasa nodded.

"That's his name..." Azumi said, "I can't pronounce it right though..."

"It's okay," Mic said, "Did anyone hurt you?"

"No questions yet, Present Mic," Detective Naomasa said, "It's protocol I question her—"

"To hell with that! She's been through enough!"

"Mic, I can't, you know how this works—"

"Pap, will Hitoshi be there?" Azumi asked quickly, too tired for another argument.

"He's on his way, to the ho— where you're going."
Azumi nodded, but then said 'okay' when she realised Mic couldn't see her.

"I'm okay with questions," Azumi decided as she looked up at Naomasa, "Dad said I was really brave!"

The detective smiled at her kindly and continued driving.

The hospital was rather big. Azumi almost didn't notice going inside as Naomasa led her by her arm. Her eyes were on the phone screen, never leaving as her eyes tiredly blinked.

It was scary when Azumi found herself in a room though. She held Naomasa's hand when a doctor came in. First the doctor introduced himself. She was wearing a white coat, that alone being a big enough warning sign to Azumi.

"It's okay," Naomasa tried and Azumi slowly nodded. Maybe the doctor was a good one?
Azumi quickly hid behind Naomasa though, when the doctor stepped forwards. She felt tears trickling down her cheeks. What if this was one of them? Why was she put in the same room as someone who hurts her?

"Come on, I don't have all day," the doctor said and Naomasa apologised.

Only when Hitoshi came running in, his look telling Azumi he wasn't supposed to, did she stop crying. She let go of Naomasa's hand and ran towards Hitoshi.

"Hito!" She let out as he crouched down and caught her in a hug.

"You're bleeding," Hitoshi said and he looked up at the doctor, wondering why his sister hadn't been healed yet.

"I got scared," Azumi said softly.

Naomasa made a small gesture to his mouth and Hitoshi paused.
"I'm not going to use my quirk on her, detective."

The detective had been a distant friend of his fathers, mainly working with Nezu for the LOV case. But wether it comes from a stranger or a friend, Hitoshi wasn't just going to brain wash someone on command.

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