Tick Tock

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I laid awake in Lloyd's bed, my body aching far too much to move a single muscle. I felt like I was burning alive, my sides stinging with pain. A small puddle of red blood could also be visibly seen on my shirt.. I stared aimlessly at the wall, trying to look at the photo of Lloyd and I that I had put up but jolted to pull my blanket up when I heard a soft knock at the door.

"Niece? Are you awake?"

"Yes Uncle," I managed to blurt out. The door creaked open and a bright ray of sunlight flashed me in the eyes. "What do you need?" I ask.

"I think we both know," He paused and sat on the edge of the bed. "It is clear that Lloyd's disappearance has affected you deeply, and I feel the same. I want to make up for the time we have all lost, and take care of you two. So please, tell me how you've been doing?"

I fumbled with the edge of Lloyd's blanket as I looked down, not quite sure of what to say. I flinched as he placed his hand on my shoulder, clearly not quite comfortable with this situation too.

"I-I'm just really scared for him. He's my brother, I've taken care of him for basically his whole life too... I'd probably kill myself if anything happened to him. Especially since it was my fault he got taken by Pythor." I admit, choking a little bit on my words.

He nods, "I see. I feel the same, but don't blame yourself for this Y/N. We can't save everyone, even the ones we really love. It's the toughest part of being a ninja. Look at me," He lets out a forced chuckle, "I was the one to blame for your father becoming an evil overlord. No matter how much I beat myself up for it, nothing changed. The most important part is that we put our feelings into action and take charge. I'm sure we'll get Lloyd back, trust me." I smile faintly and nod.

"I guess you're right. Thank you Uncle." I smile and hug him.

"I have another important thing to tell you as well." He stands up and opens the door, "If you'd follow me into my room, please." I stand up and get a jacket, pulling it on quickly. He led me to his study and I leaned against the wall. He traced his finger, collecting the dust on a clearly old and worn out box. In it, he pulled out a shimmery grey scroll.

My eyes were instantly drawn to the scroll, mesmerised by its intricateness. My uncle placed the scroll in my hand, "This scroll is very important in line with your de-"

"What is this, amateur hour? Sounds like my warm-up. Sensei, what does True Potential look like if-" Me and my uncle's necks snap towards the guys' sudden entrance and he snatches back the scroll. Zane puts his hand out and stops the rest from walking further, understanding that they had interrupted something very important.

"Our apologies, Sensei and Y/N. We've interrupted you."

My uncle sighs, "It's alright. The loss of Lloyd has been troubling for the both of us. I was simply trying to keep our minds off of it for a bit. What can I help you with?" He kept the scroll swiftly and I bit my tongue, itching to get to read what prophecies were written on it, and how it related to me.

"Sensei, what if we've done enough training? What if we've reached our True Potential? What if we're ready?" Cole asked him.

"Hm. You might have reached peak physical condition, but you've yet to reach your inner potential. In each and every one of us, there are obstacles that hold us back. Only when you conquer that fear will your heart be free. Only then will you reach your True Potential. Only then will we have a fighting chance to stop the Serpentine from releasing the Great Devourer." I felt my heart sink slightly, despite being trained numerous years before the guys came along, I never managed to unlock my true potential. I would be lying if I said it wasn't constantly gnawing at me from within all these years. Just the pressure of having to think about one of my fears and having to conquer it, already makes my stomach do flips.

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