66. Sakhilya (Part 1)

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"I don't want to be a fucking teacher, okay? I've made that clear. I can't stand kids, Nishu," Devika snapped.

Nishita stood up straight. "Stop shouting," she admonished, moving closer to Devika and grasping her arm. "Something is bothering you, Viki, and you're not telling me. I feel it has something to do with Kant."

"Enough!" Devika yelled, pulling away, "If I'm a fucking burden to you, just say it. I won't stick around like a moron. I thought you wanted me close, but I guess all you want now is time with your darling Jagdish," she sneered. "I'm fine with parting ways if that's what you want."

"Stop bringing Jagdish into everything!" Nishita snarled. "I'm talking about you. I never said you were a burden, or that I don't want you around. Whatever's been bothering you lately, it's all in your head and you are too adamant to accept to share it with me. You are the one treating me like shit!"

"Yes, I have too many fucking issues. Unlike you, I'm not perfect," Devika retorted sarcastically. "Sorry for being a problem in your life, oh wise one."

Watching the heated exchange unfold, Mohini felt like a startled kitten caught in the middle of a fireworks show. Her eyes grew as wide as saucers, and tears rose. She perched nervously on the edge of the bed, clutching the mattress as if it were a lifeboat in a stormy sea. She had never seen Nishita and Devika go at each other like this.

The emotions flying around the room were overwhelming, and poor Mohini was left clutching the edge of the bed, wishing for the scene to end.

"Stop changing the subject, you fucking piece of shit!" Nishita screamed, her frustration mounting. "What are you hiding!?"

"Nothing!" Devika yelled back, but their argument was interrupted by the sound of ceramic shattering nearby.

They both turned to see Mohini, tears streaming down her face, sitting beside a broken ceramic vase. The once lively room fell silent, the sharp sound of the vase breaking having snapped everyone back to reality.

Nishita rushed over to her, her voice softening with concern. "What happened, Mohi? Are you okay?" She knelt beside her cousin, checking for any signs of injury amidst the shards of the broken vase.

Devika, her own irritation forgotten, joined Nishita in comforting Mohini. "Hey, it's okay, we're sorry," she said gently, her hand resting reassuringly on Mohini's shoulder. "We didn't mean to scare you. Mohi, calm down... Sometimes we just get carried away."

Mohini sniffled, wiping her tears with the back of her hand. "Di, do women fight with their best friends once they get old and are about to be married?" she asked, her voice quivering with worry.

Nishita chuckled softly, trying to lighten the mood. "No, kiddo, we're not fighting. Viki and I are just... having a spirited discussion. Sorry if it seemed otherwise."

Devika hugged Mohini tightly. "Do you really think Devi and Nishi can be separated?" she asked with a smile, patting Mohini's head affectionately. "You know we're inseparable."

Mohini nodded slowly, her tears beginning to dry. "Okay... You both just seemed really mad."

"Nah, it's just our usual banter," Nishita reassured her, her voice gentle and soothing as she brushed a stray tear from Mohini's cheek. "We always end up like this because we care about each other. But trust me, we're fine, you know us, right? " She offered a warm smile, hoping to ease the worry etched on Mohini's face.

Mohini sniffled again, her breath hitching as she tried to calm down. "Really? It seemed so serious," she whispered, her eyes still wide with concern.

Devika chimed in, her tone light and playful. "Oh, absolutely! Nishu and I could argue over the color of the sky if given the chance," she joked, giving Mohini a reassuring squeeze on the shoulder. "We're like fire and ice, but we always cool down eventually, Mohi."

Nishita nodded, her expression softening further. "Exactly. We might clash, but we're always there for each other, we are almost like sisters."

Mohini took a deep breath, feeling a bit more reassured by their words. "Okay... I just got scared. I've never seen you two like that before."

Nishita and Devika exchanged a look, silently acknowledging their argument's impact on Mohini. They both felt guilty for letting their emotions spill over so intensely in front of her.

"Hey, why don't we focus on something fun instead?" Nishita suggested, trying to shift the mood. "Like... what about Krishna and his love story? We need all the juicy details!"

Devika grinned, jumping on the opportunity to change the subject. "Yes! Spill the beans, Mohi. What's going on with Krishna?"

Mohini hesitated momentarily, then a small smile crept onto her face. "Well, he didn't say much but mentioned someone. He said things were complicated, but he seemed happy talking about her."

Nishita clapped her hands together, delighted by the distraction. "Aha! My Devar likes someone, who that might be?"

As the conversation turned to Krishna's mysterious love interest, the tension in the room dissipated. But Nishita kept giving Devika side glances, determined to continue their conversation later, out of earshot of others. Nishita was so done with Devika dodging her own emotions when it was painfully obvious that there was more between Chandrakant and her stupid, stupid friend.



Chalo, at least now Nishita is making an effort to be the person we know her to be.

"Just Go To Hell Dil" for our sweet Devika who's trying to run away and hide somewhere far from the love and care of others.

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