Decision made

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Bowser's POV
Kamek and I were discussing about the king Boo problem. King Boo wants me to join his kingdom. We may be acquaintances, but I would never join.

I also know for a fact Luigi is not fond of ghosts.

"We need to put a stop to this, you're majesty," Kamek said. "I agree, but can we do? We certainly can't punch them, or your magic can't destroy them," I sighed.

Suddenly, Wendy came in with Luigi. "Dad, Luigi wants to talk to you and Kamek," Wendy said.

"Thank you, Wendy. Your excused," I said. Wendy nodded her head and left. "What do you need to talk about?" I asked.

Luigi looked at Kamek. Kamek nodded his head. "How would you feel if I moved in with you?" Luigi asked. I looked at him in shock.

"Sorry. Bad idea," Luigi started to walk away. "W.. Wait, don't go," I stood up from my chair. I walked towards Luigi.

I grabbed his chin to face me, but his eyes averted from my gaze. "Why do you want to move in with me? Isn't it too soon?" I asked.

Luigi just pulled away from my grip. "Again, bad idea," Luigi said. He started to walk away but grabbed him by the waist.

"Luigi, talk to me," I said. I turned him around. He finally looked up at me. "I don't know why, actually. I normally think things through before I say anything," Luigi said.

"Um, you're majesty. If I may, maybe he should move in with you. Maybe he can help you run the kingdom," Kamek said.

I should've known. Kamek must've put this idea in his head. I let go of Luigi and pulled Kamek to the side.

"Why did you put that thought in his head?" I asked. "You're majesty, with all due respect, I think it's easier for you and for Luigi. Seeing you two happy together makes everything smoother. Plus, he keeps coming to the darklands on his own with no fear," Kamek pointed out.

He's right. Luigi is braver when I first met him. I turned to Luigi, who was fiddling with his fingers.

"OK, I've made my decision," I smirked. "Very well, you're majesty," Kamek smiled. "OK Luigi. How about this? You can move in with me, if you help me out with ruling my kingdom," I said.

"I accept, on one condition," Luigi added. "And what would that be?" I asked. "I get my own room first. It's still early for us to sleep together," Luigi said.

"Deal," I said. We shook hands. I really wanted him to sleep with me, but I have to respect his wishes.

"Kamek, please take Luigi to the guest room," I said. "Yes,you're majesty," Kamek said. Kamek signals Luigi to follow him.

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