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Luigi's POV
It's been a week since I moved in with Boswer. Daisy and Peach were happy for us. Peach was way happier.

I mean, she knew this was gonna happen, but nevertheless wanted to make me uncomfortable. Mario, on the other hand, was still hesitant, but accepted it.

Mario came over to talk with Bowser.  I stayed alongside Bowser in case Mario wanted to hurt him.

"Bowser, I need you to promise me something," Mario said. "What is it?" Bowser asked. "I want you to promise me that you protect my baby brother at all cost. If anything happens to him, I won't hesitate to hurt you," Mario said.

I looked at Bowser. He is more irritated than scared. "Fine," Bowser said. "Promise me that you will protect him?" Mario said angrily.

"Fine, I'll protect him," Bowser promised. I lightly slapped him in the arm.

"Good," Mario said. "I'll let you know if anything happens," I reassured him. Mario nodded his head, then glared at Bowser.

We said our goodbyes.

"Geez, I understand why you didn't want your brother to know about our relationship," Bowser said. I kissed him on the cheek.  "Don't worry. He'll get used to it. Now, about Kung Boo," I said.

Ever since I moved in, Boswer has been filling me in with King Boo. I heard he puts anyone in paintings. I wonder what the deal is in trapping people in paintings.

"He said he wants to pay us a little visit," Bowser said, picking up the letter he got from King Boo. "Are you going to see him?" I asked. "I got to. I have to protect the kids, my kingdom, and you," Bowser said in a worried tone.

I hugged him, reassuring him that everything would be OK. "When will he show up?" I asked.

"Tomorrow night. He says he wants to have dinner with you and me," Boswer said. "Wait, why me?" I asked. "Dunno. I think either Daisy or Peach must've made the announcement after the peace treaty," Boswe said. That could be true.

Boswer sighed and looked at me. I just hope King Boo doesn't do anything crazy.

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