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When the Omega finally emerged from the washroom, his face was pale and his demeanor was showing clear irritation. Joshua was waiting outside, with a tone of concern. Are you alright, Jeonghan? he asked, placing a hand on Jeonghan's shoulder.

The Omega managed a faint smile, though it didn't quite match his eyes. I'm sorry, Shua. I don't think I can eat right now, he admitted, feeling embarrassed about the situation. I think I am feeling a bit under the weather.

Its alright, Jeonghan. Let's head home.

No, you should finish your food, Shua. You were hungry.

Joshua shook his head gently. It's okay, I can eat later. Your rest comes first.

Feeling a faint flutter in chest at Joshua's word, Jeonghan insisted, At least get it packed and take it with you to eat later. I'll be fine.

Alright, I'll do that. Let's get it packed.

They signaled for the waiter to pack up their meal, and as they left the restaurant.


The Alpha dropped him at his apartment ( the one he was thrown out of ) Jeonghan watched as Joshua's car drove away, waving until it disappeared from sight. Once the car was out of view, he tightened the straps of his bag, preparing for the walk to Seungcheol's house. He had decided not to take a cab, as he was on a mission to save Seungcheol money, especially since he and the baby inside his stomach were already eating enough of his resources.

With a deep breath, Jeonghan set off on foot. He walked under the blazing mid-afternoon sun, the heat hitting down on him relentlessly. Each step felt so heavy, and soon he was drenched in sweat, struggling to catch his breath. Despite his deal to save money, the distance to Seungcheol's house seemed excessively far. After nearly twenty minutes of walking, Jeonghan realized he hadn't even covered half of the journey.

His mind told him to take a cab but his heart told him no, fight the oppressive heat, and save the Alpha's money. The need to save Seungcheol's money battled against the physical strain he was enduring. Every step felt heavier than the last, and his body soon began to protest against it.

When the world around him began to sway, the signs of inevitable collapse were obvious. Jeonghan's grip on reality loosened as he slipped on the brink of fainting. In a desperate need for assistance, he fumbled for his phone and dialed Seungcheol's number.

Hello, Jeonghan?, Seungcheol's voice came through.

"Seungcheol... I..." Jeonghan's words were strained, his breaths hitched. Come here fast, he managed, clutching the phone with one hand and steadying himself with the other.

Where are you? Jeonghan! The Alpha's voice showcased his concern. Answer, please. Where are you?

"X...Z Street," Jeonghan struggled to reply, as the world around him started blurring.

I'm coming, just wait. I am reaching there in an instant, Seungcheol's voice had real urgency as he hung up the phone and bolted out the door, racing toward the troubled Omega.

The Alpha jumped out of the car and sprinted towards the Omega, who sat on the pavement with legs splayed, hands gripping the ground for support. Jeonghan's hair covered his face, hiding his eyes, and his head hung low, facing the rough pavement.

The Alpha acted quickly, lifting Jeonghan and carrying him into the cab. Gently placing him on the seat, Seungcheol quickly dashed to a nearby store to grab a bottle of water. He returned quickly, opening the bottle and placing it on Jeonghan's lips.

And then, I met you. || Jeongcheol ||حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن