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Iturned off the shower and stepped out, wrapping a towel around myself as I did.

My mind was on Cassie, which had become normal for me lately.

She'd made pancakes that morning. They'd tasted good, and it had been adorable seeing the way she had tried to make them special for Lucy. I honestly didn't know how to do anything remarkable in the kitchen, so the fact she had gone so far as to try meant the world to me.

Even if she hadn't achieved what she'd set out to make, it still meant something to me that she would go to the effort.

I looked at myself in the fogged-over mirror. I was happy with the shape I was in, and I was glad I had taken such good care ofmyself over the years. But still, looking at myself in the mirror, I couldn't help but wonder what Cassie thought of me.

I caught her looking at me enough, I was certain she was attracted to me, and it wasn't just my ego talking. With the memory of what I had done the night before fresh in my mind, I was half-tempted to drop the towel and pleasure myself all over again with thoughts of Cassie being with me.

With her on my mind almost constantly these days, I had considered more than once asking her out on a date. It didn't seem like a terrible idea, though I definitely wanted to talk to David about it first. If anyone would have a clear perspective on this and how I should proceed, it would be him.

I brushed my teeth and readjusted the towel, realizing I'd better hurry to get dressed and get out of my room before too much longer had passed. I heard Cassie come back inside the house with Lucy in tow, and from the conversation they were having, I gathered Lucy was going to have lunch and go down for her nap.

There wasn't any reason for Cassie to stay after Lucy was in bed, so if I wanted the chance to say goodbye to her and thank her one last time for staying the night, I knew I had better get out of the bathroom and get dressed.

I stepped into the main part of my bedroom. I noticed the particular towel I had chosen didn't leave much to the imagination, as it tented around my dick quite blatantly. It was part of the reason I liked that towel actually, even if I was the only one who ever got to see myself in it.

The confidence boost was always nice, anyway.

Then, I heard a gasp.

I turned, my heart racing in my chest. I had been so comfortable in my own room that I hadn't thought to close the door. I wouldn't have closed it if Lucy was the only other onehome, and even with my mind on Cassie all the time, I hadn't thought about closing it even with her there.

I realized at that moment that she was standing right in the hallway. With Lucy's room positioned just down the hall from my own, it was only natural for her to be walking past the doorway after she had put Lucy down for her nap. She likely hadn't heard the shower running, so there wasn't any concern about what she was doing when she looked into my room on her way up the hall. She would have just been innocently passing by.

Cassie," I said, unable to think of what else I should say. Instinct told me to grab something more to cover myself with, but there wasn't anything in reach. Her eyes had already gone right to my most private area, anyway, and she was staring with wide eyes.

As soon as I said her name, however, she seemed to snap out of the trance she had gone into, looking back to my face with the same expression of embarrassment mixed with horror on her features. I could only imagine the things that were going through her mind with how carefully she maintained professionalism, and I wanted to say something, anything, that could make this situation better.

But then, Cassie was the one who spoke.

"I'm – I'm sorry," she stammered. "I had no idea you were in the shower, or I would have closed the door on my way by or something."

Billionaire's  naughty nannyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora