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Iheard the police pull up in front of the house, and I'd never felt so relieved for anything before in my life.

While I hated the fact Cassie had walked into the house during one of the biggest fights I'd had with my ex since the divorce, I was relieved she was there to take Lucy away from the scene. I couldn't leave Lucy upstairs to talk to my ex. I wasn't going to leave her alone. But I agreed with Cassie, too.

It wasn't any place for Lucy to be while Jordan and I yelled at each other.

By the time the cops showed up, Jordan had reached the point of breaking things.

"You realize I'm going to keep track of everything you break and have a police report made, right?" I asked her as she continued to throw dishes.

"And I'm going to tell them you said you would smash my phone," she snapped.

"I said I was going to do that to get you away from the door. I didn't touch your phone, and I didn't come near you when you grabbed it, so you're taking that empty threat to another level by actually breaking my things," I said.

"How do I know it was empty?" she retorted.

"Because I didn't touch your phone, and you're the only one who has been breaking things," I replied. "And the police are here now."

"Thank God," she said, then she started screaming.

"Help, help! Officers! Oh, thank goodness you're here. I've never been so terrified in my entire life!" she cried.

I gave her a look.

We've received a report of a disturbance," the officer said, and I nodded.

"I'm sure the nanny who is upstairs with my daughter is the one who called you. I have tried to get my ex to leave here for the past few hours, and she's refusing. You can see here all of my things she's broken in the past half hour alone."

"Have you done this?" the officer asked.

"He attacked me!" she lied. "I was trying to protect myself and keep him away!"

"Then why didn't you leave?" I asked.

"Sir, I have to ask you to talk to me. I'm talking to her; you talk to me," the officer said.

"Better yet, why don't you come with me?" another officer said as he appeared. "Let's get to the bottom of this."

I was able to tell the officer the entire story from my point of view, including the fact I was sure Cassie would be more than happy to come down and speak with them as well if they needed.

"We felt it was best for Lucy to be removed from the situation as it had escalated to the point it did," I said.

"Did she throw things while the child was down here?" the officer asked, and I shook my head.

"No, but I have no doubt in my mind she was going to run off with Lucy," I said. "She put marijuana in some cookies she made for me last night, and she didn't tell me she had, then she made sure I not only had some last night but again at lunch today. As I'm the one with full legal custody of our daughter, I don't doubt for one second, she was going to drug me and run off with Lucy as soon as she felt she could get away with it. When things didn't go according to plan, she lost it and you can see here the aftermath."

That's a really serious allegation," the officer said. "And would you be willing to make an official statement? We will, of course, also do a drug test and take all measures to investigate."

"Absolutely," I told him. "The leftover cookies are on top of the fridge for evidence and I will do anything I have to do. I want to make sure she stays as far from Lucy as possible at this point, and if there is any way I can help prove to you these accusations are true, please let me know and I'll be there."

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