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Iwas still confused about the fight I'd had with Cassie when my plane landed in Denver. I'd not known how she was going to take it with me asking her to watch Lucy on such short notice, but I hadn't at all expected the way she'd freaked out.

I took some solace in the fact even though she'd been angry, it hadn't been anything like dealing with Jordan. Not that I wanted to ever fight with Cassie, but I felt like we had a far better footing in our relationship even though we'd had a spat than I'd ever had with my ex-wife.

I checked my phone when we landed. I didn't know what I'd expected. I wasn't really surprised when I didn't have a text from Cassie, but I also felt rather disappointed. I hated that the two ofus were fighting, even though I didn't know for sure what about. I wanted to fix it, but I couldn't.

There were things here that required my attention.

I'd gotten the information as to which hospital my client was in, and I headed straight there. I had always enjoyed the feel of Denver. During the height of my own recklessness, it was a place where I'd spent a lot of my time. If it wasn't for the cold, I would have put down roots in the city.

But I didn't like the snow, so Georgia was a much better option. Sure, there was snow in Georgia occasionally, too, but it paled in comparison to the kind of weather that happened in Colorado. I took a cab from the airport to the hospital, and when I reached the front desk, I gave my client's name to the bored-looking woman sitting behind the computer.

"He's checked out," the woman said.

"What!" I gasped. "When?"

About two hours ago," she replied.

"I thought he was injured," I said. "Don't you keep people here when it's for their own good?"

"It's a free country," she said with a shrug. "If someone isn't being criminally charged, they're free to leave anytime they like."

My jaw dropped. Maybe I had been mistaken about how badly Glenn had been hurt. I didn't know, but what I did determine was that I had to get a hold of him.

And quickly.

I kicked myself for not having his phone number in my cell phone contacts. I hadn't found a reason to need it before.

Now, I logged into my work accounts, looking for the contract I had with him. While I was still rather old school in the way I kept printed copies of things, I did keep digital files on hand, too. And I was glad I did for this very reason.

Glenn answered on the third ring.


"Where are you?" I demanded.

"Who's this?" he asked.

"Alex!" I snapped. "Your investor!"

"Oh, right right, hey! I'm over at the Explorers, you should come down! It's getting wild," he said. I picked up on the fact he sounded like he'd been drinking almost as soon as he answered the phone, and that only added to the agitation I felt.

I hung up the phone and headed over to the hotel. It was a hopping place, the bar often packed with skiers and snowboarders in the winter, rock climbers and hikers in the summer. I pushed my way into the crowded venue, looking for Glenn.

He was in a corner of the room with a group of people surrounding him, clearly putting on a show with the story he was telling. Sure enough, he had a cast on his arm and the lower half of one of his legs, and he stood as though he was in pain.

What the fuck are you doing?" I demanded when I reached him.

"Oh my God! Guys, I told you! This is Alex Osborne, in the flesh," he said, ignoring me and turning to the rest of the crowd. There was a variety of awestruck gasps from the group, all of them looking at me as though I was some sort of god.

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