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D: Ramona, wait up!

R: What makes you think I want anything to do with you?

D: I know it looks bad, but I didn't know how else to get your attention. Maybe it wasn't the best idea, but you stopped taking my phone calls.

R: Next time, try email. I mean, how do you and Felix even know each other?

D: He and I run in the same circles. I knew he was a gambler with an ego too big to refuse my proposition.

R: You're telling me this little bet was your idea.

D: Yes.

R: Unbelievable!

I continue down the street in a huff.

D: Hold on a second. I know you're upset about the bet, but this isn't a game for me.

R: Then what is it?

Dayne catches me by the wrist, stealing my focus.

D: Felix doesn't deserve you.

R: Got that right!

D: I made that bet with him because I needed to see you. I needed to remind you what we had. The bet was for a night together, but I don't want one evening of your time. I want a lifetime with you.

R: Wait, what?

D: I'm here to win more than the title, Ramona. I wantto win your heart. 

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