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Once we reach the penthouse, I clamber out of the elevator to put some distance between me and Dayne.

- Wow! This place is spectacular. Look at this view.

- It was the main reason I bought this place.

- You own the penthouse?

- Nah. I own the hotel.

- Woah! Okay then, moneybags.

- I'm no billionaire but I do okay for myself. Now it's my turn to ask you something.

- What is it?

- Why were you with Felix? I don't know the guy well, but I know enough about him that he's a pompous ass with a gambling problem.

- I met Felix about a year ago at an office party.

- He works for World Wide Sports News too?

- No, he doesn't. how did you know I worked there?

- I pay attention. It's not exactly a secret.

- Felix is a retired baseball player. He used the money he earned from playing to build his business.

- So, he does have an actual day job besides gambling?

- He runs a sports management firm. They have locations in all the big cities. We bonded over our love of sports. He was a romantic, swept me off my feet, and a few months in, we were engaged.

- And then?

- Before tonight, I felt us drifting apart. He stopped being romantic and started being critical. Always worried about his image and whether I was living up to his expectations.

- He's a fucking loser.

- I tried to write it off as stress about work or him getting in these moods over bad bets. Now I see he never truly cared about me. What kind of person hands over his fiancé to another man?

- A dumbass one. You're better off without him.

- It still hurts.

There's a long pause for a moment until Dayne starts undressing.

- What are you doing?

- Heart–to–heart is over. I'm going for a dip. Feel free to join me. 

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