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The next morning, I'm jolted out of bed by the sound of my phone ringing.

R: Mr. O'Malley! I wasn't expecting to hear from you...

Mr. O'Malley: Ramona, what time are you coming to work today?

R: Half–past never.

Mr. O'Malley: Is that some kind of joke? This little stunt of yours has gone on long enough.

R: What stunt? After three years of never calling in sick or taking time off, I deserve a break.

Mr. O'Malley: I know this is about the promotion. Look, you weren't the right for the job. We need someone like Felix who will give us good ratings.

R: Then what are you calling me for?

Mr. O'Malley: I have an assignment for you. If you do well, it could take your career to a new level.

R: I have to go, Mr. O'Malley. Give the assignment to someone else.

Mr. O'Malley: But...

R: Goodbye.

Mr. O'Malley: If you're not back at work on Monday, I'll be interviewing your replacement.

R: Do what you must. You can't threaten me, Mr. O'Malley. Goodbye.

Mr. O'Malley: Wait...

After ending the call with my boss, the conversation left me feeling agitated. 

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