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Later that night, after a wine–and–whine girls' night with Layla, I'm getting ready for bed when my phone rings with a video call from Dayne.

D: Hey, Sprinkles. Damn, you look good. All ready for bed, I see.

R: Hey, yourself. Have you been working out?

D: Coach Biggs just put me through the wringer. The old man wouldn't let me call you until I finished my session for the day. I had to call you as soon as we got done, but I'm surprised you answered my phone. I figure you'd be out celebrating.

R: Maybe I would have been if there was something to celebrate. I didn't get the job. My boss passed me over. I thought getting the interview with you made me indispensable. I was wrong. They hired Felix instead.

The smile falls from Dayne's face and his lips remain in a tight line, although I notice the tick of his jaw.

R: Dayne?

D: Yes...

R: Nothing to say about my predicament? I figured you, of all people, would have an opinion.

D: I have many opinions. None of which are particularly helpful to you right now.

He seems almost as pissed as I am. It would be nice to commiserate with someone. 

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