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While in my boss, Mr. O'Malley's office, he delivers an ultimatum.

R: Please, Mr. O'Malley, you can't fire me. I need this job.

B: Stop begging, Burns. It's pathetic. You'll keep your position so long as you get me my interview.

R: What about the promotion?

B: We'll discuss it after the champ agrees to talk to us.

This is so unfair!

After leaving Mr. O'Malley's office, I make my way to my desk, needing a second to get my thoughts together.

I can't believe I have to call Dayne and ask him for a favor.

Delivery: Special delivery for Ramona Burns!

I turn at the sound of my name as the delivery guy makes his way to my desk.

R: That's me. What is it?

He smiles wide and sets a large bouquet of red roses on my desk.

I wonder who they're from.

Delivery: Have a nice day!

The delivery guy gives me a two – finger salute and ducks out. I inhale the perfumy aroma of the flowers with a sigh.

L: Hey, how did the meeting with Mr. O'Malley go?

R: It went.

L: Woah! Nice flowers. Secret admirer?

R: Maybe not – so – secret. I should check the card.

I nearly regretted that idea when I read the note.

"Ramona, I forgive your outburst. Meet me for dinner at La Patiste at 8 PM. I may be convinced to take you back" – Felix.

Is he serious?

R: He doesn't even feel the need to apologize after what he did? He should be begging me for forgiveness. Instead, he assumes I'll change my mind.

L: What does he need to apologize for? You never told me what happened.

I gave her a rundown of last night's events about the bet and my subsequent breakup.

L: Felix is such an asshole! What are you going to do?

R: I'm not meeting him for dinner that's for sure. 

A Fighting ChanceTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang