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How satisfying would it be to wipe those grins off their faces?

R: We're in!

G: Let's have our couples come up here. The rules are simple. First, we'll ask the men a question about their partner. Each of you will write the answer on a whiteboard. If your answer matches your partner, you get a point! After three questions, the partners will switch and then it will be the ladies' turn to answer questions about their man. Make sense?

R: Let's do this!

G: Are you ready?

U/M: We were born ready, weren't we snookums?

R: Just start the game already.

G: First up, men. What is your partner's biggest pet peeve?

Dayne smirks knowingly and begins to jot down his answer.

D: This is an easy one.

G: Alright, time's up. Jessica (the unknown woman's name), you first. What's your biggest pet peeve?

J: Puppies, of course. They're such cute little fluff balls I could eat them up. Course I want to pet them too.

G: Uh...okay. That's not really what that question means. But if Alex (the unknown man's name) has the right answer, you still get a point! Alex?

He turns his whiteboard over.

G: And Alex's answer is "Nothing. My little dumpling never complains". I'm sorry, Jessica and Alex, but you did not get a point.

A: Sacre bleu.

J: Shut up, Alex. You're not even French!

G: Your turn, Ramona. What is your biggest pet peeve?

R: I can't stand when people don't put their shopping carts away.

G: Dayne, what is your answer?

He flips his whiteboard with a grin and his answer matches mine exactly.

G: That is correct! One point for Dayne and Ramona.

J: Seriously, honey bear, how did you get that wrong?

A: Maybe I would have gotten it right if you knew what pet peeve meant...snookums.

R: Uh oh...sounds like trouble in paradise.

D: We're about to wipe the floor with these cornballs, snookums.

R: I couldn't agree more, honey bear.

I and Dayne chuckle with barely contained glee at their bickering. The game continues with us gaining more points and our opponent's faces getting redder by the second.

G: Final question. Jessica, what is Alex's secret turn-on?

J: That's easy. Me.

G: Alex?

A: Actually, it's wearing socks to bed. It's good for traction.

J: I'm not enough of a turn-on for you now?

A: I didn't say that, snooky pie!

G: The question goes to you now, Ramona. What is Dayne's secret turn on?

Dayne meets my eyes and my cheeks heat up as I imagine what Dayne likes in bed.

We may have dated in high school but we never slept together. I know Dayne has always been a guy who likes to take control. He also likes it when I challenge him.

R: Dayne's turn-on is wrestling over who gets to be on top.

Dayne bites his lip at my response.

D: We can call that a close second.

R: So what's the answer?

His whiteboard reveals an answer I didn't expect.

R: Eye contact?

D: I want your eyes on me when you're moaning my name.

Something in his words, the timbre of his voice, and the desire in his eyes sends arousal straight to my core.

R: Dayne Carter, you are full of surprises.

D: May I always keep you guessing?

G: Sorry, but you lost the point. The good news is Alex and Jessica did so terribly it wouldn't have mattered.

J: Alex, you are such an embarrassment! How do you know nothing about me?

She storms out of the room with Alex chasing behind.

A: Of course, I listen, snookums. Please don't make me sleep in the lounge!

R: Wow, that shouldn't have felt as satisfying as it did. I'm surprised you still know me so well after all this time.

D: As I could forget anything about you. It's late. Why don't I walk you to your room?

My body is buzzing with awareness at his proximity to me. 

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