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Once at his place, Dayne rolls up his sleeves and begins chopping vegetables.

R: Can I help?

D: Why don't you grab the wine and some glasses and pour us something to drink?

R: I'm on it!

I find the wine easily in the wine fridge near the dishwasher. But searching for the glasses is a task as I try drawer after drawer.

D: Wait! Not in there!

It's a picture of Dayne and me at our high school graduation.

Underneath the photo is a stack of articles with my name highlighted.

These are all articles I've written throughout my career.

R: What is all this?

Dayne comes near me to reach up and grab the wine glasses from the correct cabinet.

R: Dayne?

He retrieves a corkscrew and opens up the bottle of wine, pouring us both a glass.

D: I was hoping you wouldn't see that.

R: Why do you have this?

D: Are you hungry? Because I'm starving. I should get back to fixing our dinner.

It's clear he didn't want me to know about this stuff, but I bet I could get him to open up and tell me the truth. 

A Fighting ChanceTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon