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R: Here, Flipper. Come here, girl.

I lean over the railing of the ladder, beckoning the dolphin to come my way and it does.

D: How do you know it's a girl?

R: Wishful thinking.

Suddenly, the dolphin grabs my wrist and pulls me into the water.

D: Are you alright?

I nod. Other than being shocked and a little cold, I'm no worse for wear. The dolphin, meanwhile, looks quite pleased with itself.

R: Aren't you a mischievous thing?

The dolphin swoops to settle underneath me, letting me ride him around in circles. I hold on as best I can, enjoying the water spray as the two of us sail around Dayne.

D: Go, Ramona, Rider of Dolphins, Queen of the Sea!

This was a once–in–a–lifetime opportunity. I'm glad I didn't miss it.

After showering the adorable dolphin with plenty of love, it swims away. The two of us climb up the ladder and Dayne gets dressed. As I start to come down from the adrenaline of the moment I struggle to tamp down an inexplicable onset of anger.

R: Where are you really planning to go head-to-head with a shark? That was insane!

D: I was going to do whatever I had to do to get back to you in one piece.

R: Don't ever scare me like that again!

D: I promise I'm fine.

He pulls me to his chest and I take a moment to breathe him in.

R: I don't know what I would have done if...

C: Is everything alright out here?

S: I thought I heard someone scream.

Craig and Samantha join us on deck, looking disheveled yet satisfied. After Dayne and I fill them in on our shark–dolphin scare, the four of us enjoy the rest of the desserts before returning to the villa. 

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