13 - Purgatory

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Radiru Clan, Castle of Red

After letting Esil continue breathing, she lead Jin-Woo and Crimea to the Castle Base of her clan, a noble organization of demons that possess the piercing red eyes that stained Hell.

It wasn't a long walk, at least compared to the one Crimea and Jin-Woo did before, and once the Castle got in their line of sight, it was a breathtaking moment.

Massive stone walls towered over mountains, with even bigger towards filled with guards, designed to protect the most valuable resource of such a noble clan, the heirs. At ground level, a long red carpet welcomed the guests from other world, on the sidewalk, hellish plants, that for some reason, smelled really good, like royalty.

Sung Jin-Woo took in the sight before his eyes, with all sorts of ideas coming into mind, this castle is a extremely secured place, and they probably would have a tiring fight if Esil used the information about Crimea's missing sister as a bait to have them killed. He also felt the enormous amount of mana surrounding the place, probably the biggest one he ever felt, but he didn't feel scared or anything, since this massive quantity of mana was the combination of all demons who lived there, that would probably be a lot if this was the place where the future queen resides.

Meanwhile, Crimea ignored all intrusive thoughts, his mind only focused on rescuing his sister, and if it meant walking into a possible trap, so be it. After all, a well placed fire arrow should be able to blow this entire place apart.

"U-Uh, Princess!" A guard approached, with his sword ready and pointed towards Jin-Woo and Crimea. "Who are these?!

The loud voice attracted the attention of other guards, that fearing the princess was a hostage, quickly surrounded the unknown humans, they spears and swords inches away from cutting Jin-Woo and Crimea's heads.

Crimea and Jin-Woo sighed in union, already confirming that this was indeed a trap, they closed in, back to back, and got ready for a fight. But to their surprise, and shock, Esil pushed the Guards away and stood in front of Crimea and Jin-Woo.

"No! They shall not be harmed!" He exclaimed loudly, her voice already carrying the authority of a queen. "These are special guests! And shall be treated as so"

The guards took a step backwards all at the same time, slightly lowering their weapons. "But... Princess-" One of the guards tried to speak, but was interrupted by Esil's glare. While this one stumbled back, the other guards knelt down to Esil, and the so mentioned, 'special guests'.

Esil sighed in relief and continue to lead Jin-Woo and Crimea inside the Castle, trembling a little from the close call. Sung Jin-Woo was still surprised by Esil's display of authority, and that it seemed she was being honest about having information on Maki's kidnap. Crimea looked behind and saw the guards still talking about what just happened, and he felt like this wasn't over.

The three of them walked through the stony hallways, illuminated by pure white flames, leading to a unimaginable amount of rooms.

"What's with the special guest story?" Jin-Woo asked, tucking his hands on the pockets of his pants, comfortable enough to relax a little, while still prepared to unleash his shadow army if the worse has to happen.

Esil shrugged her shoulders. "Well... Thought you both could help us with something... I'm really sorry, but i didn't know any other way to let you guys inside" She said, walking backwards, while looking at Crimea and Jin-Woo.

"... It is a smart move, and also dangerous" Jin-Woo murmured. "I suppose you'll lend us the information only when we help your clan, right?"

Esil nodded hesitantly, looking down. "My clan has been having some... Troubles... With some beasts that seem hungrier so to say..." She explained, looking at Crimea, wondering why is he being so quiet.

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