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Hey my sunshine,

Chapter 24 is now updated, even though the goals haven't been met. I've decided not to ask for targets to be completed anymore, as it seems to attract more negativity than support.

From now on, I'll update regularly regardless of whether the goals are achieved. Chapters 25 and 26 are available on Scrollstack, so check them out. Chapter 25 will go up on Wattpad next week, and Chapter 27 will be updated tomorrow on Scrollstack.

Thank you for your continued support. Remember, "Our Love" is nearing its end, so stay tuned for the final chapters.

Please support my other stories as well. Your encouragement means everything to me.

Thank you!

The morning sun streamed through the window, casting a warm glow over Adhya as she stirred in Adhvik's embrace. His heartbeat was a comforting rhythm against her skin, providing solace and a sense of security. She couldn't help but smile, noticing his adorable baby pout, a departure from his usual demeanor.

As they lay there, wrapped in each other's arms, they realized they still had a day left to reach the village. However, in that intimate moment, time seemed to stand still. Adhya gently ran her fingers through Adhvik's hair, massaging his scalp, which made him groan in satisfaction.

"Come on, Ji, it's time to wake up," she softly urged, hoping to coax him out of his slumber.

"Just five more minutes, Adhya," he mumbled, snuggling even closer, not quite ready to let go of their cozy haven just yet.

I felt something wet in my neck and then I realised it was Adhvik who was sucking my neck.

"J-i" I stammered and took a sharp intake of breath.

"I could never get enough of you Adhya." He said and started sucking my neck.

His hands slides inside my tshirt and rested on my tits.

"Not wearing a bra huh"he said and a sly smirk tugged his lips while I was loss of words.

His hands cupped one of my tits and massage earning a moan from me.

Our moment was disturbed by a knock on the door.

"Mumma, open the door!" our son Vihan's voice echoed from the other side.

''I love you son but I hate that you became a cockblocker" Adhvik uttered with sheer annoyance while Adhya playfully gave a slight punch in his stomach earning a groan from Adhvik.

It was evening when we reached CHANDELAO VILLAGE.

A car has come to pick us up to CHANDELAO village from the airport

We all piled into the car, with Vrihanika snuggled up and sleeping on my lap, while Vihan was peacefully resting on Adhvik's lap, cuddling him. Adhvik, on the other hand, was nestled into my neck, sound asleep.

After an hour-long drive, we finally reached home. I gently whispered in Adhvik's ear, "ji wake up, we're here." He groaned in annoyance but eventually opened his eyes.

As we stepped out of the car, I noticed one of our maids waiting with aarthi, and Nani stood behind her, wearing a wide smile. We received the traditional aarthi and then Adhvik and I both bowed down to take blessings from my Nani.

Upon entering the house, I saw Adhvik's parents, his chotti maa and chotti paa, and dadi sitting on one side of the couch. On the other couch, Rihana, her husband Yuvaraj, and Ved (Yuvaraj's brother) were seated. We respectfully took blessings from my in-laws and engaged in a brief conversation before excusing ourselves to freshen up.

OUR LOVEKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat