A Hansy Story

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Today, of all days, had not been good. As if it weren't enough to have her cauldron's contents erupt on her during a most annoying Potions lesson, someone had just ran into her, knocking her books from her hands over the handrail and down to the first floor.

She was on the fifth, and to make matters worse, her already failing quill had embedded itself into her hand and broke.

"Sorry," said a quiet, distracted voice from the boy in front of her. "Accio."

Her books zoomed into his hands. Reaching to take them from him, she looked up at her attacker's face. She looked into his eyes. He was legitimately sorry, but she was a Slytherin. She could not ever let a Gryffindor get away with this.

"Watch it, Potter!" she spat, forcing the books from his loose grip.

Harry looked up at her. She wasn't at all ugly... except when she squished her face together like an angry pug. Fighting the urge to dump the remainder of her things back over the edge, he simply shook his head and made to walk away.

She tripped him.

"I said watch it, Potter." she groaned. Seeing a furious Professor McGonagall charging her way, she pretended to be helping him up.

"Don't touch me, Parkinson!" he growled, forcing her arm away from her seemingly kind gesture. He hated being foul to people who were acting kindly... but Harry knew this was just that. An act.

"Mr. Potter, you are not to use magic in the corridors. Five points from Gryffindor and a night of detention."

She spun, casting a cold, hardened expression that could have stiffened even the glaciers of Antarctica.

"Ms. Parkinson. Despite your quick thinking and performance, I saw what you did. Five points from Slytherin."

"She had a..." started Harry, defending someone he despised.

"Silence, Potter!"

"He knocked my things over, you half-wit!" griped Pansy, angered over the loss of points for Slytherin. This day was just getting worse and worse.

"A detention for you too, I think, Ms. Parkinson." snapped McGonagall. "My office at seven-thirty." she added pointing to each of them in turn, "Be late and I'll give you detention for the rest of the semester."

As Professor McGonagall stormed away, Pansy sighed aloud. Angrily shoving his book into his chest, Pansy turned and started to stomp away.

"Fancy seeing you tonight." said Harry, very sarcastically. Even with her back facing him, he could see she was livid.

"Ooooooh!" huffed Pansy, flying down the steps as Harry laughed all the way to Divination.

After receiving an additional detention from her charms professor for being late, Pansy was absolutely tired of this day. It needed to end.

Leaving the Great Hall just before seven-fifteen, Pansy walked toward her detention. The thought of spending the entire night locked in some office with Potter infuriated her beyond what she was feeling already. She made a mental note to make his detention hell, as he would surely do for her.

Walking into her transfiguration teacher's office, she hid all her fury and stood, along side that moron, in her office.

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