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france never changed. the riddle estate that sat atop of those rocky cliffs, overlooking the sea, seemed the same as it did that summer, five years ago. they still ate dinner with their legs dangling off the cliff side, still had esmeralda looking after them, and charlotte still loved french sea. it was a warm night in may when they made the decision, sitting side by side on the beach, hair wet with saltwater and sand.
"i never want to leave," she had sighed, slumping against his chest. she felt him shrug.
"then why don't we stay?" he laughed.
"what?" she had never realized it was a possibility.
"i mean, we have a house, we have money, and we have eachother, what more could we need?" she laughed, "esmeralda."
he laughed with her, "as if she would leave us."

they didn't go back for any of the things they had left behind in the riddle's london estate, opting instead to buy new things. the only thing she took with her, was theo's ring. adjusting to life in france was possibly the easiest thing charlotte had ever done. she still had esmeralda looking after her, and mattheo, and her cat. she was okay.

all too quick, it had been three years since they decided to stay in france. she never got bored, of the sea or the cliffs or mattheo. it really shouldn't have been the surprise it was when one late night, out on the cliffs and under the stars, he asked her to marry him. she threw her arms around his neck and held him tightly.
"yes," she whispered quickly, "i'll marry you, i'll marry you matt."
he smiled widely, grabbed her hand, and led her down to the sea. to her favorite place. he twirled her around, and for once, she didn't complain that the bottom of her dress was damp with saltwater, didn't laugh and push him away when he pressed wet, salty kisses to her lips. this was real. mattheo was hers, and she could have him forever.

the wedding was a quiet affair. only for mattheo and her. they went to greece for their honeymoon, something mattheo insisted on. she would have been content to spend the time in france, in the house she loved, but he wouldn't budge. he wanted her to have a real honeymoon, something he was adamant that she deserved. it was only months after they returned when they got the news. a baby. their baby. a healthy boy, born on august 1st 2004. thomas theodore riddle. a boy they would love into they couldn't anymore, a boy who would never grow up doubting their love for him.

many more augusts passed, but their love stayed the same. mattheo and charlotte weren't just a summer thing, weren't just a secret hidden behind the blistering heat of summer, they were forever. and in their french estate, with their son only a few doors down, they were happy. they laid in their room, with charlotte pressed against his chest, mattheo holding her tightly, and it was like no time had passed at all.

the end

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