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"Do you both think this house is a circus?" Damini said.

The room was loaded with tense air. It was after dinner, Muhamand told him Damini had called him, so now Chandra was in her room with the other two people. Apparently, somehow, though not surprising to Chandra, Damini had learned about the incident between Chandra and the person, who caused him to fall and ruin his clothes. 

By the way, this person isn't a girl, but an omega boy (Chandra presumed the omega part). Chandra had mistook him for a girl as he had long, pitch-black wavy hair that reached down his shoulder blades and he wore a baggy hoodie.

His name is Yuven, not suited to his dog-like personality, and he is Amolaka and Aryan's cuisine, and the son of Damini's late sister. After losing his parents in a car accident six years ago, he began to live with Aryan's family. (But this dog's behaviour towards him isn't going to get sympathy from Chandra). All of this Chandra knew from Muhamand before he stepped inside Aryan's parents' floor. 

Amolaka was on the couch beside her mother, who was weaving a red scarf as if she was doing it in a peaceful garden while taking Yuven and his class.

When neither of them spoke anything, Damini repeated herself,  "Do you both think this house is a circus?" 

"No," Chandra and Yuven said at the same time, they both stood in front of her bowing their heads like children, who were scolded by their teacher for talking in class. 

"Then why the hell did you both act like a joker and make the laughing stock of yourselves—and this family? I don't need to know what the guests are talking about behind my back. Now you both gave them the reason to talk more."

They kept their mouth shut as  Chandra didn't think she wanted to know the guests thought.

Damini turned her eyes to Yuven and used her authoritative tone as she scolded him. "And Yuvee, what is this behaviour, you are a good boy, and I expect you to behave respectfully toward Chandra. Don't forget, he is your bhabhi." 

Chandra's corners of his mouth turned up. Did you hear it?—Wait Bhabhi? 

Yuven sneered at him but spoke nothing. 

"It would be better, I do not hear anything of this more. . . And you both apologise to each other," Damini's tone demanded. 

"Masi, I'm not going to apologise to him. I didn't do anything wrong," Yuven said, giving Chandra a nasty look. 

"And also, I'm not apologising to him. It wasn't my fault. He started it," Chandra said finally in his defence.

"Is this look like I'm asking either of yours opinion?"

She heaved sigh and asked Amolaka

"Amol, who started it?" 

"Yuvee started it."

Yuven gave her a look as if she could stab him in the back while Chandra refrained from bursting into laughter. 

Yuven said, "But if you knew what he'd done, you wouldn't be saying this to me—"

"Yuvee," Amolaka interrupted him. Chandra noticed the look she gave to her cousin as if she was stopping him from revealing something, "It was your fault. Just apologise to him." 

Yuven gritted his teeth, folding his arms across himself. "Fine. I'm sorry."

Chandra frowned. Does this dog think that he was doing a favour to him with his half-assed apologies? 

"Now, your turn," Yuven said with a forced soft voice.

As well, Chandra forced himself to say, "I'm sorry." 

I Became An Omega Wife Of Protagonist's Big BrotherWhere stories live. Discover now