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Osas was busy in kitchen cleaning and cooking when Raphael walked in

"Hey!" He cleared his throat

"Oh hi! Good morning , did you sleep well. How are you feeling?"

"Much better all thanks to you, my in-house doctor" she giggled

"Well am glad you are feeling better "

"You cleaned the whole house too, You didn't have to "

"I couldn't leave it like that either "

"This really means alot to me Osas, thank you so much"

"It's okay! Geez!..... you can stop thanking me already. Is Ivie still asleep?"

"Snoring softly like me and sleeping on her left side"
Osas chuckles

"I swear I never get why she does that. Your gene is so dominant in her it's unbelievable "

"And we like the same things, sometimes I think she's more like my twin in form of my offspring"

"You should have seen her these last two weeks when you traveled, she was always asking about you begging me to call you. I don't get it, she's extra clingy with you"

"Don't get jealous" he poked her and they laughed about it

"What are you making"

"Spaghetti and Spicy Turkey"

"Oh I like the sound of that "

"It should be ready in about 10 to 15minutes, pls wake Ivie for me and tell her to brush her teeth"

"Okay mummy"

When breakfast was ready Osas served it in a bowl and arranged the dining table, she remembered the last time she cooked for him and he really enjoyed her meal

Maybe this is how they can get closer besides the popular saying goes 'the way to a man's heart is his stomach

They all sat down at the table to eat and everything was going great. They were gisting and laughing until there was a knock at the door

Raphael excused himself to get it, he opened the door and it was Wendy

"Wendy!" He sounded shocked

"Hey babe" she kissed him as she rushed inside his apartment

"Have been calling you nonstop why haven't you been picking my calls "

She perceived the aroma and turned in the direction of the food then she saw Osas and Ivie at the dinning table

"What's going on here?"
Raphael cleared his throat

"Osas and my daughter, Isabel " he nodded "Uhm this is Wendy, Osas you have already met ....she's my"

"His fiancée " she completed his sentence moving closer to grab his arm

"I didn't know we were having a family breakfast"

Osas rolled her eyes, this babe gets her irritated maybe it's her perfectly shaped face or her tingling smile or her really nice perfume that covered the whole room, The very essence of Wendy makes osas wear a scowl

She went ahead and sat next to Ivie at the table

"This must be our big baby..... ohhh so nice to meet you sweetie, your father has told me so much about you. He is very fond of you and I'm just glad to finally meet you. Gosh! You are so cute"
She went on and on ignoring osas completely

Ivie was quiet the whole time she didn't know how to react

"Are you done with your food baby, we are leaving"
Osas stood up and started clearing the table"

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