Chapter 136

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Chapter 136

Seol realized that while the community function at the Adventurer Association had its benefits, it wasn't flawless.

While sending and receiving information in similar locations was straightforward, it became much more challenging when there was a distance between them, necessitating additional steps.

Like how couriers and messengers existed in the past on Earth, there were also people in Pandea who delivered information from one location to another.

These adventurers, who had already planned to relocate, received a small fee to deliver information along the way. Some adventurers even chose to solely repeat information-delivery Adventures, avoiding dangerous Adventures altogether.

Other ways for the Adventurer Association to deliver information existed as well.

They contemplated using a mana stone-based information delivery method to overcome the current system's inefficiencies. Over time, this mana stone information network gradually expanded.

The network had been partially established in the more advanced districts, yet regrettably, Nevenia was far from attaining such progress.

This also resulted in the delayed delivery of information about Nobira in Audenin.

However, it wasn't as if there weren't other alternatives.

The most important methods were the ability to send direct messages between friends and the option to pay extra to make important information from any Adventure Association in Nevenia readable.

Therefore... This meant that those in Nevenia all had some way of figuring out what happened in the Labyrinth of Penance.

Instead of reading through the older letters, Seol began by reading Somi's most recent letter.

✉️[Friend <CollegeStudentsMustDie>'s Letter]

[Send Date: 10 days ago]

[Title: Seol oppa, are you the one who cleared the Labyrinth of Penance?]

[You didn't block me, right? I didn't expect a lot of messages back, but I did expect at least some... Are you in Audenin right now? There seems to be a lot going on in Audenin, and this 'Private' that keeps getting mentioned seems really like you, so...

That's you, right, oppa? LOL

I knew that would be the case. There's no way you'd ignore messages from your sister of all people~

Regardless, that's incredible! Even people here are talking about the labyrinth being cleared. If I were any less tight-lipped, I might have spilled the beans about us knowing each other, haha. That would be taking it too far, though, right?]


Seol didn't remember making a relationship like that.

- When did they get that close?

- I don't remember it at all...

- They were just normal friends.

Seol couldn't help but laugh at Somi's boldness. He then continued reading the rest of the message.

[I'm doing well in Kongory right now. Did you know that Kongory and Nobira have a really close relationship now? I think the guild alliance in Kongry is expanding its influence in Nobira too. Well, that's not my problem, though. Oh, and the quality of the Adventures in Nobira rose as well!

By the way, what was her name again... Ah, Yu Mira! Apparently, her ruins hunter party grew pretty big. I'm getting offers to join, but I'm still thinking about it. By the way, did you know they built a new auction house? They're trying to make it even bigger than the last one!]

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