Chapter 170

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Chapter 170

As the expedition party reentered Floor B4 after resolving themselves once more, they were greeted not only by the sight of three brutally deceased prisoners, but also by Seol and Frannan, who casually looked down upon them.

Pant pant...

Along with a dog they saw for the first time.

"Wh-what is all this..."

"To think he took care of them all in just that short moment..."

"Aspect Magician Frannan! Are you injured anywhere?"

Frannan then looked behind at them with a profound look in his eyes.

"Ah, as you can see, I'm not."

"Krgh... We made a lapse of judgment at that moment. Please, forgive us."

"It's fine. Being afraid of something isn't a crime. In fact, overcoming your fear should be something worthy of applause."

Frannan was essentially using many words to say nothing at all.

However, to the members of the expedition party, Frannan appeared as a magnanimous and grand figure.

"I see... as expected of an Aspect Magician of Libra."

"But who's that next to you... Snowman?"

Mael hurried to the front while confirming Seol's face.

"I knew it! I knew you'd be alive!"


"I was so scared then. But how did you... don't tell me you were down on this floor the entire time...?"

Seol simply nodded.

The others began to murmur.

"He lasted over ten days here?"

"That's what he claims..."


"Come on... Even if he's Frannan's disciple, that's just..."

Before the crowd got too loud, Seol quickly settled the mood.

"For now, let's go. You all came down here intending to go further, didn't you?"

Frannan gave an insidious laugh.

"Hehehe... If we're going to die regardless, might as well get one more nice sight in before we die. Everyone, let's go!"

"Yes, sir!"

Seol then led them to the camp he had prepared beforehand.

Still, it was much too shabby to properly be called a 'camp'.

Seol simply led them to an open prison cell, the place he had been using for the past 10 days.

The first to share information was Frannan.


Everything that Frannan shared was something that Seol already knew.

None of the expedition members, except for a handful, seemed to know more about Alcatron than Frannan.

1. Alcatron is an ancient prison.

2. The prisoners become stronger the deeper down you go.

3. There is an individual plotting in Alcatron who has ensnared them within it.

That was the extent of the information that Frannan managed to gather.

However, to the other members of the expedition party, such understanding was considered remarkable insight.

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