Chapter 169

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Chapter 169


He hunted.

[Koko's Unique Skill: Gifts of the Wild activates.]

[Koko gifts you with a portion of his prey's, Hos, the Sharp's, stats.]

[You receive the Gifts of the Wild.]

[Your Intelligence increases by 2.]


And hunted some more.

[Koko's Unique Skill: Gifts of the Wild activates.]

[Koko gifts you with a portion of his prey's, Isa, the Cool's, stats.]

[You receive the Gifts of the Wild.]

[Your Dexterity increases by 2.]


Pant pant...

Over several days, Seol had been expanding his search area on Alcatron's B4 Floor through Koko.

'I haven't heard anything, even though it's been three days already.'

The expedition party had roughly 100 members when it began.

Despite the numbers suggesting that at least one person should have arrived by now, Seol still hadn't encountered anyone.

Seol was now surmising a reason why.

'Either something happened upstairs, or...they're regrouping before heading down.'

Alcatron was vast.

It was to the point that even "vast" wasn't enough to describe its size.

As such, the odds of regrouping the completely scattered expedition party were extremely low.

'Then... the best chance of success would be to gather on the stairway headed down.'

Gather on the upper floors to head to the lower floors together.

Given the prisoners' strength, it wouldn't have been a difficult conclusion for the expedition party's leaders to arrive at.

'I would've done the same thing.'

In fact, if he could, even Seol would have headed up to regroup with the expedition party.

However, it was extremely difficult to do so in his current situation. Right now, he was doing his best with what he had.

Pant pant pant...

"Good work, Koko."

Pant pant...

Seol ran his fingers through the back of Koko's neck.

Koko, who seemed like such a gentle dog, was, in fact, the predator of Alcatron's B4 floor.

"...Did he get a little bigger?"

Koko had grown, almost as if Seol had intentionally fattened him up.

Even though it wasn't particularly important, as Koko could clearly control his own size, it was evident that he had indeed grown.

'After all, I've grown as well.'

Seol's stats were increasing at a rapid pace, all thanks to hunting down the prisoners scattered throughout the 4th floor.

Koko's unique skill, Gifts of the Wild, was responsible for his swift growth.

'Though I wouldn't have been able to grow this much if it was only that.'

Seol's Monster Cooking was also steadily increasing in proficiency.

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