Chapter 185

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Chapter 185

The deeper players delved into The World of Eternity, the more they thought about the concepts of effort and talent.

Eventually, players concluded that no matter how hard you worked, catching up to a character with a powerful Innate Talent was impossible.

These talents rarely appeared when creating a character.

As the name suggested, these talents were given to a character at birth, setting them apart from others.

"How come I've never gotten an Innate Talent before?"

"A lot of people haven't gotten one yet. It's almost my first time getting one."

The most important period in The World of Eternity was undoubtedly the early game.

If a player could obtain a skill early in the game that enhanced their growth, it could snowball to the point of creating an insurmountable gap in the late game.

"I-I got one!"

"Snowman! What did you get? What?!"

Just saying it excited Seol.

Lian Kuruos.

"I got... an Innate Talent."

"Let me see... Oh my god...!"

"Everyone, look! Snowman's got a real monster over here!"

Seol had begun to distinguish himself as someone who raised his pieces well, and with a weapon like this, all the other players began to anticipate the heights this new piece would reach.

However, something unexpected occurred.

- I-I don't think I'm cut out for this. Bwrgh...


"I know, right..."

Even with talent and effort, becoming a legend wasn't guaranteed. Lian Kuruos had no interest in being an adventurer.

This... might just be what people called 'aptitude'.

- I want to go back to my family... I've earned as much as I need, so... I'm going to buy a small plot next to my home...

Lian had one of the best Innate Talents that Seol had seen so far.

It was as if fate itself had singled him out to become extraordinary, to become an adventurer.

However, each adventure only brought him pain.

- This time, Visian died... I can't... do this anymore. It's too painful. I'm going back... I want to go back. I'll buy a farm. What would be good to grow? Grapes? Actually, pumpkins might be better.


Witnessing that, Seol eventually came to a decision.

"You're joking, right?"

"...I'm not."

"Do you know how hard it is to get an Innate Talent?! And you're giving that up?"


Seol gazed at the downcast, cowering piece on the table before speaking.

"He's in pain. He wants to return to his family."

"...Are you really caring about what some stupid piece is saying?"

"I don't know. I just know I want to do it."

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