Chapter 23: Heading Back Home

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     As Diego lies there, we all stand over him. "I'll drag him back" Monsai says calmly. He then throws out his hand and water flows straight down, wrapping around his wrists and legs. Almost like a rope. Oko then starts digging into his bag and everyone flinches back. He looks up at us shocked, "Whoaaa! Just grabbing something that can help us get him there easier." Oko pulls something out his bag and places it onto the ground. A metal...ball? We all stand there confused but still on guard. Oko then takes his staff and taps it.    
It immediately expanded into a wheelbarrow. "See?" he whispers. We all exhale. Gosh this is going to take some time to trust this guy. Who knows what else he carries in that bag. Kash scoffs and turns his head while Monsai picks Diego up and places him inside it.
         Kash then snaps, "I could've just carried him myself. Extra." Oko then quickly turns to Kash, "Oh really? Well perfect! You can be the first one to push!" he snaps. Kash sucks his teeth, "No. It came from your stupid little bag so you push it first!" he snaps back. Oko clicks his staff and shoves it into his bag, "You got it tough guy! Or are you still too weak?!" Oko growls. Tsuki then screams out, "Just shut the hell up and quit being little bitches. Matter of fact, just move out my damn way!" She then grabs the handles and starts to push it very fast. Well shit....!
    Kash and Oko just glare at each other and turns their heads back to Tsuki. Monsai just shakes his head and follows her and I do the same. "Tsuki, allow me" Monsai whispers. She immediately steps back, "Absolutely!" she says happily and immediately heads to my side, grabbing my hand. I look to her and smile.
My Tsuki.
Gosh I love this chick.
       The five of us, plus Diego then start our journey back. It was long and very tiring. Oko and Kash were making slick comments towards each other the whole way back to Norrah. Even Monsai had to tell them to shut up.

    As we get closer to our home Diego starts to move. I think he's waking up. Tsuki then walks over to the wheelbarrow and punches his jaw causing him to go unconscious completely again.
Kash, who was now pushing the wheelbarrow, flinches backwards a little. She just looks at him, smiles, and continues walking again. I can see the shock on his face. It was pretty funny.
      We see the gate to our village. Home at last! Yes! As we get close to it Oko stops and we all turn to him. "You guys go ahead without me. I'll just see y'all around" Oko says calmly. Kash lets go of the handles and turns his whole body around. Oh shit. Here we go.
    Kash snaps, "What do you mean go without you? Where do you think you're going?" Oko rolls his eyes, "I don't owe you any kind of explanation" he snaps and tries walking off.
                  Kash growls, "You're such a bitch man! Scared to stand for your crimes or something? Because that's how I see it." Oko stops and slowly turns around, "Crimes? What crimes? Maybe.... you should just leave me the fuck alone before I beat your ass......again mother fucker!" Kash immediately starts to walk towards him and Oko does the same.
Monsai dashes in between them glancing back and forth. They immediately stop but still glare at each other. Monsai then says calmly, "How about we just turn this guy in? Huh? Let's do that first. If not, I wanna spare too then." They both rolls their eyes and walk away. Kash goes back to pushing the wheelbarrow and Oko starts walking off. "You guys?" I say softly. They turn to me. "I'll be back, okay?" Tsuki glances over at Oko and nods her head, "Cmon guys. We'll wait on the inside for you." Kash hesitates  for a moment but walks off with them.

     Okay. Let's try fixing the problem. I follow behind Oko and call out for him. He stops but doesn't turn around.
  "Hey's okay. I know everyone doesn't fully trust you yet, especially Kash, but can you blame us? You did try ruining our mission. Our first mission" I say softly. He still doesn't turn around. "Listen..we won't say anything about you being with us if that's what you're worried about. I'll make sure of it." Oko then slowly turns around and walks closer to me. He stops and looks down at me..... then smiles. I give him a soft awkward smile back.
   "Meet me at the arena booth tonight at 8 on the dot, okay?" he whispers. Confused, I flinch back.
"Don't worry" he says softly, "Just trust me." He looks at me softly. Can I trust him so soon? I'm just so conflicted at this point. Maybe I should go with it? Dammit!
"Well?" he whispers.
"Okay! Fine. Just leave that bag behind if you want to gain my trust" I quickly say. He laughs, "Okay okay I'll leave the back behind. No worries. Just be there." I nod and dash back towards the gate. I can still feel him watching me but I just keep on running.
                 I finally walk inside Norrah.
"Ahhhh!" I shriek happily, 
                           "Home sweet home!"
"Hey Chibi!" I turn my head and see Tsuki waving at me. I immediately run over to them. "Let's hurry and head to the Station so we can turn this fucker in" Tsuki says excitingly. "Yes! You bet!" I reply back in the same tone.
      The four of us make our way to the Station and end up turning him in. Now it's time to go check in with Commander Lee. As the four of us walk out the station we stop outside the doors. "Hey guys?" I say softly. The three of them turn to me. "Let's not mention Oko's name please. I don't think Commander Lee should know he was there with us...or what he tried preventing us from doing." Tsuki and Monsai look confused but Kash looks pissed.
        "I know I know but just trust me on this" I say softly. Tsuki grabs my hand, "Okay. I trust you" she replies softly. I turn to Monsai and he nods his head while Kash doesn't make eye contact with me.
      "Kash?" I whisper, "Please..."
He doesn't look at me but nods his head to agree. I then immediately just walk off and he turns to look at me. Tsuki and Monsai look at each other and immediately follow me after. Kash does the same.

To Commander Lee's office we go....

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