17 | keep 'em guessing

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Mystic Falls, Virginia, 6 November 2010

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Mystic Falls, Virginia, 6 November 2010

In the Gilbert House the Mystic Falls Gang celebrated their final victory over Klaus Mikaelson. Across town, Kol returned to the Mikaelson Mansion to find it completely empty — again. Much like the last time, he felt his bitterness grow at the thought of being left behind by his family, even if he had been the one to leave earlier.

Seeing Anastasia hurt only piled on to his conflicting emotions about the siphon. The worry he felt when she ran off to confront his mother didn't compare to when Klaus revealed that she'd been taken by Alaric, nor the agonising feeling of seeing her broken form bleeding out on the ground.

However, after making sure she was safe and healed, Kol left her in Niklaus's care. Honestly, Kol didn't understand why he'd even stayed for this long. When waking up from his century-long slumber, Kol had every intention to put as much distance between himself and his family as possible the moment the opportunity presented itself.

Yet each time that he had the perfect opportunity to get away from Mystic Falls, he found himself wanting to stay. Not because he found Klaus's company particularly enjoyable during extensive periods of time. Not because he enjoyed taunting Rebekah — even if he definitely did enjoy that. No, it was all because of Anastasia.

Kol found Anastasia intriguing in every way. Not only did her magical abilities fascinate him beyond belief since the ability of taking the magic from others instead of being bound by her ancestors felt like the truest form of power. He found everything she did captivating.

Surrounded by the most dangerous creature on the planet yet she never let the darkness surrounding his family dampen her light. Had it been naivety that allowed her to be so carefree around vampires, Kol might have found it more irritating. Now he marvelled over how she could be so untrusting and sweet at the same time. For all those reasons, Kol simply couldn't leave town without saying goodbye — without seeing her dazzling smile once more or be on the receiving end for one of her sarcastic remarks.

"Brother?" Kol called out, knowing Klaus's vampire hearing would alert him to Kol's arrival; when he received no response, Kol aggressively kicked the nearest piece of furniture, sending wooden splinters flying across the floor. He picked up a familiar stench inside the room but in his anger he didn't register why it was so familiar.

However, since he'd been wrong to assume they'd left a few hours ago, Kol ran upstairs. In a room filled with vampires, Anastasia valued her privacy and had managed to cast a permanent silencing charm on her room.

Stopping in front of the door, Kol reached for the doorknob before catching himself. Instead he knocked on the door and found it extremely frustrating not knowing if anyone even was there. When no response came for a good ten seconds — which he considered enough time to wait — Kol opened the door.

He definitely wasn't prepared for Vader to barrel out of the room, barking loudly while tugging on Kol's pant leg, dragging the Original towards the room. "Bloody dog," Kol growled, focusing his attention on the Rottweiler. Had it been any other dog, Kol wouldn't have been as gentle in his attempts to push it away.

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