021. The Land of Warriors, Kingdom of Fenn

89 10 1

.........Oh!? Just the other day, I thought the overall rating had just surpassed 600 points, but now it's already over 700! Thank you all so much for your continued support! And yet, the average rating has dropped again to 7,47... Well, I guess it can't be helped. I tend to do things my own way, and there are surely those who don't appreciate that.

A special thank you to those who gave ratings: 磁区 for giving a 1, junq for giving a 6, asosan for giving a 7, konndou, 如月遥, 祇圍 ケント, and Galm1Cipher for giving a 9, and 主犯 who raised it from a 7 to an 8. Thank you so much! And to everyone who has newly favorited, thank you.

As the title suggests, this time, Fenn makes its long-awaited appearance. The military festival, where a major event occurred in the OG, is also approaching. What will become of my humble creation...?

Well then, please enjoy at your leisure!


The "Third Civilization Area" is a term used to collectively refer to the nations gathered to the south of the Philades Continent to the east of this world. The Kingdom of Fenn is one of the island nations within this Third Civilization Area. Fenn is a small island nation located approximately 210 km southwest of the Philades Continent, on an island shaped like an inverted comma, with dimensions of 150 km vertically and 60 km horizontally. Just east of it lies another island resembling a comma, mirroring the shape of Fenn's island, where the Thearchy of Gahara exists. To the south of these two islands lies the Rodenius Continent, approximately 1.500 km away.

A small country with a population of only 700.000 people, Fenn lacks magic. Instead, all citizens are educated in the art of swordsmanship. Living by the sword and dying by the sword is the way of life for the people of Fenn. No matter how impoverished one's status is, they will be respected if they excel in swordsmanship. Conversely, those of high status who cannot wield a sword are scorned. This is the culture of this country.

On Day 11 Month 9 Year 1639 Central Calendar, Ein, the Rank Thousand Commander of the Fennese Royal Warriors, was once again practicing swordsmanship. He is one of only ten in the country who holds the title of "Swordmaster." Originally, Ein had no intention of joining the Royal Warriors. He loved swords, but he also had a passion for architecture and had planned to pursue that path. What changed his course was his mother.

One winter day when Ein was still a student, he went out to get his hair cut before dinner, feeling it had grown too long. At that time, Ein's mother was preparing dinner at home. The incident occurred while he was out. Near Ein's house flowed a river, and a woman carrying a two-year-old child and a baby on her back was walking along the riverbank. However, when the woman momentarily looked away, the two-year-old child fell into the river. Unable to rescue the child while carrying the baby on her back, the woman sought help from the neighborhood. Ein's mother responded to the call.

Despite the cold winter day, Ein's mother jumped into the river and saved the child. However, after pulling the child onto the bank, she suffered a sudden heart attack due to the rapid cooling of her body and passed away. When Ein returned home, his mother was already cold. He, who was proficient in swimming, regretted that if he had been there, he could have saved the child without sacrificing his mother, and he cried over and over again. One day, Ein decided to join the Royal Warriors after seeing a passage he learned in school. It was one of the rules of the Royal Warriors, who are both military and responsible for maintaining public order.

"Royal Warriors are tasked with protecting the lives, bodies, and properties of individuals, preventing and suppressing crimes, arresting criminals, and maintaining public safety and order."

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