023. The Turbulent Military Festival (Part 2)

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Me be like, "What's this?"

Although the number of evaluators has finally reached 50, the overall evaluation fluctuates and the average has finally fallen below 7,00... It seems that the overall evaluation has been fluctuating around 760 points... Since low ratings are given in silence, it's difficult to deal with because the reasons are unclear... However, it's difficult to drastically change the style.

Thank you 茜。 for giving a 7! Also, thank you to everyone who has newly registered as favorites!

Yes, this time it's the second part of the Military Festival. A huge flag was raised in the previous chapter, but what will happen now?

Well then, pleaseenjoy at your leisure!


Day 25 Month 9 Year 1639 Central Calendar

Military Festival Venue, Amanoki, Kingdom of Fenn

The Rodenian Navy... or rather, its subordinate unit, the Japanese Maritime Escort Force of the Tawi-Tawi Anchorage, effortlessly wiped out a force of 20 wyvern lords believed to belong to the powerful Parpaldia Empire. And they did so during the military festival hosted by the Kingdom of Fenn, right in front of military officers from various countries beyond the Third Civilization Area.

"What kind of ship is that!? To easily take down the wyvern lords like that..."

"And against the Parpaldians, no less. I've never heard of their wyvern lords being taken down in such numbers!"

"Does the Rodenians possess such formidable power!?"

The military officers from various countries who witnessed this battle scene were discussing among themselves about the display of power by the United Kingdom of Rodenius as it confronted and swiftly annihilated the powerful Parpaldian wyvern lord unit head-on. The military officers from various countries began hastily considering what to report to their respective homelands... some even suggesting the establishment of diplomatic relations with the United Kingdom to possibly gain access to that incredible power.

. . .

Meanwhile, in the capital of the Kingdom of Fenn, Amanoki, Sakai, who had secretly visited the military festival aboard the Chōkai, and two diplomats from the United Kingdom disembarked and were waiting in the guest room of the Fennese royal castle. The guest room, like the audience chamber, was simple in design. However, the expressions of Sakai and the others waiting there were stern. After tea was served to everyone, shortly after, the Commander of the Royal Warriors, Magreb, appeared.

"To the esteemed representatives of the United Kingdom of Rodenius, we express our heartfelt gratitude for truly demonstrating your martial prowess by dispatching the ruffians who dared to ambush the Kingdom of Fenn during this time. Thank you very much."

Magreb bowed deeply.

"Wrong, we did not repel an attack on your country. We simply brushed off the sparks that fell upon us," Sakai replied modestly (and restrained). "Before coming here, I spoke to some foreign military officers. They all unanimously asserted that the wyvern lords from earlier belonged to the Parpaldian military. Are you certain of this?"

Sakai asked calmly but not concealing his irritation.

"Yes. They were likely not the mainland unit but rather a unit known as the National Oversight Force?"

"National Oversight Force? Not the regulars, you say?"

"Yes, they are a military force that conducts attacks as a form of 'harassment' against foreign nations. The Empire has a specialized department for conducting diplomacy with non-civilized countries, and this military force falls under its command."

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