Ciel X Reader " Love Triangle" Part 1

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So, you've read the description, haven't you? You may comment stories you would want me to write. If it is in my power, I shall do it!~ Your welcome fellow readers!~ XD Enjoy.

~ Your POV ~

You are a fallen angel that fell from the sky, or to be precise, the world hidden by the clouds above earth. But all your childhood memories with your mother were lost due to the beatings, slashing and slavery that was bestowed upon you by the Demon King.

You awoke to the sounds of what sounded like grumpy yelling. "Wake up you lazy angel, or should I say Demon!" A black figure in a black suit exclaimed. You didn't like the sound of people calling you a demon although you were one, or at least half. "I am a fallen angel! Don't mistake me with those disgusting demons!" You retorted at the silhouette. "Don't talk back to the Demon King!" Just as you wanted to stand up to him once and for all, the Demon King pushed you back down and ordered guards to punish you for your bad behaviour, even if it meant leaving you half dead.

~ Ciel's POV ~

"Sabastien!" I called my 'trustworthy' butler. "Yes My lord?" Questioned Sabastien. "Since Lizzy is stay over tonight, she would most probably disturb me before I get to sleep. While waiting for her to sleep first, I decided to go out to the field nearby for a walk. Accompany me." I instructed. " Hmm? My Lord, have you fallen ill? You never want to go out saying you will get your shoes dirty? What changed your mind?" Sebastien teased. All he got in return was a scoff from his Master.

~ Your POV ~

Before the Demon King could exit your chamber, you yelled straight at his back, "I don't want to be here you prick! I'll rather fall to earth then be here!" "Ara ara~ Of all people you should know that falling to earth is the most serious offence. Many have tried but only some, some succeed." He said emphasising on the word 'some'. "I'll rather do that then stay in this chamber forever!" You replied. Although you looked brave on the outside, you were trembling like crazy on the inside. "If you say so my STEP-DAUGHTER." You hated that phrase. Why did your mother have to re-marry a guy like him? Just because he is the Demon King does not mean he is going to treat you like a princess!

Just like you asked, the ground below you disappeared almost instantly. Soon you were skydiving with damaged wings. You tried spreading them out but it hurt so badly that the wounds started opening again. You didn't expect him to really drop you off. You waited for impact to hit you but something unexpected happened instead.

~ Ciel's POV ~

Sabastien changed me to a simple dressing and we headed out. Not long, we reached the field. What surprised me the most was Sabatien suddenly rushing up to me and pushing me away. "What was that for?" I yelled obviously angry. "My Lord, seems like we caught a injured Royalty... from the sky." Sebastien said with his signature smirk. I stared closely at what seemed like a cross breed of Demon and Angel. "Take her to the guest room. You shall treat her wounds" I ordered raising my eye patch.

Suddenly, the lady started moving. She shook off Sabastiens grip and rubbed her tired eyes with her fist, yawning. It was as if nothing had happened. As if she had lost her memories...

~ Your POV ~

You yawned while getting off something that felt like a bed. You could not remember anything. Not even how to speak. You stared blankly at the two in front of you. Immediately noticing strong power coming from the taller man. But somehow, even without your memories, you knew he was no match for you. You felt a bond between you, like both of you were the same kind. You walked slowly towards him, "Kneel before me you weakling!" You said pointing your finger to the floor. It was happening instinctively. He did not move, not even a slight twitch. "KNEEL! Did you not hear me you insolent fool?" You exclaimed. It was not you talking, something else was. And the man in front of you knew that.

He walked towards you and placed his hand on your head. Putting you to sleep once more. "Goodnight, Your Highness." He responded to you falling down to the grass patch you were standing on.

~ Ciel's POV ~

She was beautiful, but something did not seem right at that moment. "Sebastien, as your master, I order you to bring her back to the mansion along with me and treat her wounds now." "Yes, My Lord." Sabastien bowed and lifted the girl in one of his arm and me in the other. "Hey! I didn't say carry me like a girl did I?" I exclaimed with frustration in my voice. He giggled at my statement and continued running back at inhuman speed.

-~-~-~ Time Skip ~-~-~-

~ Your POV ~

"Am I Alive? Wait... why can I think?" You slowly opened your eyes. The first thing you saw was a baby blue ceiling above you. You got up prepared to get punished by the Demon King. "You shouldn't be up yet." At this, you snapped back into reality. You turned to the direction of where the sound was coming from. "Can you speak now?" The boy said. "Are you talking to me?" You replied dazed. "Great, you can talk now. Nice to meet you, I am Ciel Phantomhive. I have heard everything about you." He said, smiling. "He smells like hatred and... and...and... loneliness. Wait did he say everything?" You thought. "Errm, Ciel, did you hear about my past and background? They seem to be missing from me..." You said, lying through your teeth for answers.

"That was the only thing Sabastien did not tell me." He replied questioning his butler's logic. "Wait did you say Sabastien? As in Sabastien Michaelis?" You asked hurriedly at the name 'Sabastien'.

~ Ciel's POV ~

I wondered how she knew. "Yes, that is indeed his name. How did you..." I got cut off abruptly by her as she ran towards the door spread out your wings. "Definitely his treatment." She muttered under her breath. "Oh, almost forgot. My name is Tenshi Akuma. Tenshi as in Angel and Akuma as in Demon. My mother's naming skill are horrifying. Sorry for any distraction caused in the process of finding Sabby!~" She said cheerfully. "Sabby? Was that a nickname for Sabastien?" I thought to myself. Just as she had said. Her wings which were painted heavenly black, destroyed half of the whole mansion in a few seconds. She flew at the speed of lightning, literally, towards the aroma of tea. Which I suppose she knew Sabastien was making.

~ Your POV ~

"Sabby!~" You yelled across the kitchen. The maid, chef and Sabastien turned to look at you. "You shouldn't be here Your Highness" He said amused by you flying towards his arms into a hug. "Aww, we promised that if we met on earth after the marriage you wouldn't be formal with me..." You said mockingly. The Phantomhive servants looked astonished to see you and Sabastien so close. Or at least Sabastien smiling from his heart. "I am working now." He replied with the sweetest smile that you knew was fake. You pinched his cheeks hard and reprimanded him for faking a smile. While you guys were playing away, Ciel was at the doorway spying on what both of you were doing. "How does she know him? Why didn't Sabastien tell me any of these details?" He thought hard. It was hard for him to concentrate when so many questions were flooding his head... But the most important question was why his heart was fleeting at the thought of the strange girl he just met.


So this is where I will end this chapter. So if you want to read more on this romantic love triangle, please vote for this story and I shall write more. New stories every Saturday, bye!~

Please take a look at VIXXHAKYEON's story if you are a K-pop lover like me too. Thankies!~

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