Ciel X Reader "Love Triangle" Part 4

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Hi~ I'm back people!~ Thank you for supporting me with my writing. Support all my other stories as well as my brother's which is the Super Smash Bros in my stories. I will also start writing your normal form as Gabriella. Now on with the story.

~Sabastien's POV ~

"Lady Elizabeth, a double date is horrid! Young master has work and Gabriella and I have to chores," I said shocked at the sudden news. A 'hmph!' was all I got in return. "Elizabeth," Gabriella said before getting interrupted by Lady Elizabeth. "Call me Lizzy!~" She told Gabriella. "Ahem, Lizzy, I could go out with you for tomorrow, tomorrow only to the market or wherever you want..." Gabriella suggested. "What?!" Me and My Lord exclaimed in unison. "Yay! Let's go find cute things and buy them," Lady Elizabeth cheered. Me and My Lord had to accept Gabriella's decision as we loved her, both in different ways. "I would like to continue my private conversation with Gabriella now, may you both please leave?" My Lord said frustrated. Both of us nodded and left. After I closed the door, I broke the silence, "what would you like to wear Lady Elizabeth? I could prepare it for you," I requested to her. "No thank you. I will be taking my own dress as I will be returning to my mansion now. She turned and left without anymore noise. "Weird" was all I could think.

~ Lizzy's Very Very Very short POV ~

Once I reached home I called an anonymous person. "The deal is set," I said and got a "Let's start shall we?" By the anonymous. Both of us broke the silence with evil laughter, knowing what we want will be ours...

~ Ciel's POV ~

"So, can I ask you an important question?" I imposed on her, making sure not to sound too fierce. "Sure!~" Gabriella replied cheerfully. "How long more are you planning to stay here?" I asked straight to the point. "Since I am a bother and a really disruptive demon, I would not want to impose on you any further. If I am stepping all over you just say it, I will leave as soon as possible," She replied as though she was a really bad free-loader. I pulled her against my chest as she was sitting on my work desk. "I realised ever since I saw you that I need you in my future," I said. "But you sold your soul to my 'brother', how can we have a future together?" I could feel hot tears steaming down her cheeks, staining my shirt. "She was worried about that... This is all my fault!" I blamed myself in my head. "We will cross that bridge when we come to it. But first," I pulled her away from my embrace and got down on my knee.

"Will you go out with me?" I proposed to her. "Yes!" She said while pulling me into an embrace again. I could feel her warmth, it touched my heart and warmed my soul. 

~ Your POV ~

He finally said the words you wanted to hear from him. It made you cringe in happiness as you rolled about under your covers in the evening. Soon the moon started turning red. You sensed the awakening of a nearby demon and got off you bed. *Swoosh!* Your turned into Akuma. "Hmph awakenings are so last year!~" You(Akuma) said to yourself(Gabriella). "There is no choice, let us hurry before anyone spots us. Especially Sabby," you(Akuma) said before climbing out of the window and flying to the red moon.

"He sure is in pain." A voice said behind you as you landed. You realised you had landed in a mansion when you discovered where you were. "Are you lost young boy?~ Whose soul was sold to a demon?" You(Akuma) said sadistically again. "How dare you?" You had enraged him. You(Akuma) scanned the area for the awakening demon. You(Akuma) followed the smell of blood that usually came out when hidden wings sprout from a demon's back and swallowed the demon. You(Akuma) flew high in the air, totally forgetting about the young blond boy. 

~-~-~-Time Skip-~-~-~

After you had solved the problem about the awakening, you returned back to get some rest before tomorrow's outing with Lizzy. You were sure it  was going to be so fun!~ <3


Sorry for the short chapter!~ Tomorrow I have to go for a major life test therefore I thought I would write my story really quick but it dragged on too long so I had to cut it short. Bye!~ I will update OHSHC on Sunday. Thank you for your understanding and wish me luck!~

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