Ciel X Reader "Love Triangle" Part 5

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Hi again, sorry for not uploading for two whole weeks! I am now experiencing stress due to this and examinations so I will take some time off this to study next week. Please deal with me till then. In December I will upload every single day so you will get 31 chapters. My promise to all of you readers.

~ Your POV ~

You(Akuma) landed beside the awakening demon and silenced him by banishing him from earth and back down to Hell. That was a rule made by you "father". Banish all awakening demons back down to Hell for him to settle them, which meant throw them somewhere evil. The blond boy appeared before you once more after and watched you turn back into your human form, Gabriella. "Hmm? So what are you exactly?~" He asked in a humming tuned voice. It annoyed you greatly that you ignored him and turned away to walk back to the Phantomhive Mansion. "So you really are the one and only Demon, Angel Gabriella, the most precious to Ciel Phantomhive my enemy," His voice changed drastically. This gave you the hint that he was mad at you for some certain reason. You turned around and cocked your head to one side and asked "So? You have many demons by your side now right? Claude Faustus and Hannah Annafellows?" After this, both Claude and Hannah came out from the shadows of trees, standing behind the young blond boy. 

"Great skills to spot my butler and maid, to even know their names... you truly are something! Allow me to introduce myself, I am Alois Trancy, head of the Trancys," He bowed politely and pecked your hand. Both Claude and Hannah bowed to you and this caught Alois's eyes. "Why are you both bowing as well? You never should bow to anyone but me!" His temper changed again. "She is the daughter of the Angel Queen and step-daughter of the Demon King, young master. We apologise for doing so either ways," Claude said while pushing up his spectacles smartly. You bowed back at all of them and stopped the mistreatment Alois was about to do to Hannah with a snap of your finger, the power of angels. Hannah thanked you. You knew all demons that managed to come to earth so you could find them, but it seemed that they had contracts with a human. But, something strange is that Hannah followed Alois on free will even though he was mistreating her. You excused yourself and flew back to your room.

~ Sebastien's POV ~

Gabriella is not in her room, where could she be at this hour? Not long after, I saw flying back and sneak back into her room. When I entered she pretended to be asleep. "Gabriella, stop pretending, I saw you enter your room just a few moments ago," I said with a sigh. "Darn, thought a nailed it today..." She said while sitting up. "Wanna sleep with me?" She asked me tiredly. "No thank you. We are not children anymore. Be more aware of yourself," I told her strictly. "Sebastien, a storm is coming. I met Claude and Hannah, it is bye bye to our peaceful lives before we kill them with the demon sword which Hannah has now," She said before falling asleep. I knew it! Hannah had the demon sword within her body! But it was true, now a big storm is arriving.

---The Next Day---

~ Your POV ~

You awoke to the cold blue ceiling sheltering your head. You got off your bed remembering what you had planned today. Lazily, you walked towards the bathroom to wash up and get ready. "Gabriella, you would need a new set of clothes before you enter the bathroom right?" A familiar voice rang through the entire room. "Good morning Sebby, I will choose after I brush my teeth, so would you mind giving me some privacy?" I said obviously cranky. "Okay... Young Master has picked an outfit for you today. You need not choose your set of clothes after you wash up. Now, I will excuse myself," He left with a bow and shut the door behind him.

You stared at the dress that was now on your bed. Pink with white frills at the bottom. Simple and cute. Ciel really knew your style. You were now pumped up for the outing with Lizzy. But something told you that it would go wrong...


Sorry for changing the ending. I really love you guys. I wanted to change the plot as I forgot that there was an outing with Lizzy. XP I messed up. I truly am very sorry. 

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