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A man was having severe acne problem, and he was insecure about it. He searched the internet for cures, but none worked or their results are too long. He can't wait. He asked his friends, but none of them knew how.

One night, while he was browsing the internet, he came across an ad saying, 'Cure acne fast! Guaranteed!' So he clicked on it. The method was:

Put a live cockroach on your pillow for a night and sleep next to it.

It was a disgusting and creepy method, but he tried anyway. He caught the insect and put it on his pillow then slept next to it.

The next morning, the cockroach was nowhere in sight and when he went to the bathroom, he was surprised. His acne was all gone and his face was clear. But throughout the day, his face felt stinging and it hurt. At night, he examined his face closely and screamed.

His face's pores were filled with cockroaches eggs.


I think this is like 'Sesame Seeds'. Which do you think is better?

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