Flower Garden

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"They're very pretty." I caressed her light blue flower as if it was the most precious thing in the world.

"Thank you. I tend to them daily." She slowly pulled her flower away from me. Maybe she felt that a person like me shouldn't even dare to touch her flowers. Hmph. "U-um... I have a flower garden. After school, would you like to come and see?" Her eyes immediately lit up with excitement as she nodded vigorously. Girls like her are very easy to read.


In today's world, flowers that could be considered pretty are very rare and are very hard to get. Not all flowers are pretty. Some are black and unattractive. Others are plain and ugly. Only a few selected ones can be categorized as 'beautiful'.

I like pretty flowers, so I collected lots and lots of them for my garden. Even though it's hard, I still try my best.


"Where is it?!" Even though she tried to hide her annoyance, I could clearly see from the way she hugged herself to the way she watched her every step that she hated my small house. Well no matter. I have a big and wonderful garden and that was all that mattered. I took pride in my well-tended garden. It's covered thick, lush green grass and decorative stones that I had carefully arranged. I even called a professional to install high gates and a mini waterfall in the corner to complete the look. Of course, that was before I started planting, because the masses are stupid and certainly won't understand their beauty.

"Over here." I led her through a series of narrow hallways before finally arriving at the garden.

"Wh-what the fuck?!" She almost slipped when she saw my neatly arranged flowers. "Aren't they pretty?" I crouched and caressed a purple flower. "You crazy motherfucker!" She turned to run but I quickly pulled the string attached to the door, shutting it almost instantly. The edge of the door was equipped with a piano wire, and the slice of the door shutting sliced one of her petals off. She began screaming and thrashing on the grass, staining and dirtying them, which was something I couldn't forgive. All my hard work...

"Shut up."


I wiped the sweat from my forehead and smiled at the results. 2 more pretty flowers were added to my collection. Although one of them was imperfect, I hid it well with all the fake leaves that I was sure if someone - who shared the same interest as me - was to see this, they wouldn't even notice the missing petal.

Everyone love pretty things, right? And what's so wrong with collecting pretty flowers? Why can't they see the beauty of my garden? Well, it's their loss anyway...

"Good night, my darlings." I blew a kiss their way as I close the door. I need to clean the bloody mess that stupid girl left before. Their hands and nails - ahem, I mean their flowers and its petals - were always very pretty and high quality. But it was very exhausting to clean up afterwards. But the result was worth it so it's okay.

As I cauterize her arms - now stumps - I licked my lips in anticipation. Who's next?


I feel that for this chapter my grammar is worst than usual lol. The garden somewhat looks like the pic above. I don't really know how to let the 'secret' out in the narrative hehe. I tried to make her sound kinda psychopathic and innocent (by using basic words). Does it work?

Wattpad was being really annoying with this chapter. It won't save and kept having errors that I had to rewrite this thrice. >:(

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