Ghost Of Heads

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"Where will we spend our holiday, Marie?" Sarah whined for the 10th time that day.

"I told you! My auntie's house." Marie said impatiently. "It will be fun!" Marie insisted.

"Fine. But if I got bored or anything, it's your fault!" Sarah pouted while Clara chuckled.

--- at the auntie's house ---

"Good morning Marie! You've brought your friends! Come in, come in." Auntie said, welcoming them in.

"Here's your room. Put your bags here, ladies." Auntie said. After freshening up, they had lunch. While they're eating the dessert, Auntie warned them. "Don't open the windows at night, understand?!"

"Why?" Marie asked.

"Because there's a dead peach tree there. Long ago, there was a couple that lived next to us. Everyday, the man would try to cut down the tree but never succeed. He tried using axe, then saw, then chainsaw. But it was said that all of those never made a scratch on the tree. The couple died of old age and unhappiness. Now it is said that they will haunt anyone near the tree. We are near the tree so don't you ever open the windows at night!" Auntie said.

--- night time ---

After Auntie closed the door, they all crept in their futons but Clara and Sarah didn't sleep. They opened the window widely and stuck their feet out, enjoying the night air. Marie was sound asleep.

"Do you think what Auntie said was true?" Clara asked. "No way. Maybe she just said that so we don't open the window and let bugs in." Sarah said. "Yeah, I don't believe her either." Clara said, but with a little sad tone.

"I'm getting sleepy." Sarah yawned. "Me too. But I don't wanna sleep yet." Clara yawned too. "Yeah. Hey, that old peach tree is supposed to be dead, right?" Sarah asked. "Yeah why?" Clara yawned again.

"There are 2 peaches there." Sarah pointed out. Clara looked and said calmly, "Not peaches, watermelons." Suddenly it struck them both. They looked out as the 'watermelons' turned around, revealing an old couple's head, grinning at them.

"Aahh!!" Sarah and Clara yelled in fright. Sarah quickly shook Marie to wake her up but failed. Sarah and Clara was too scared to get up so they just crawled quickly to the door. As they crawl, the heads flew towards them.

The girls looked behind and saw that the heads were getting nearer. They screamed and crawled faster into the hallway. They bumped into Auntie who was holding a candle, a crucifix, and 2 crucifix-shaped papers. "The... The..." Sarah stammered.

The heads followed them. When Auntie saw them, she quickly plastered the crucifix-shaped papers on their foreheads. That stunned them for a while. She then gave the candle to Sarah and hold out the crucifix, muttering some words. The heads quickly screeched and terrible screech and quickly left.

"You should have listened!" Auntie scolded them, but not much since she saw that they were scared out of their wits already.

--- going home ---

"I wanna go there next holiday too!" Sarah and Clara exclaimed happily. "Why?" Marie asked. Sarah and Clara exchanged naughty glances. "Well,  who knows what ghost will haunt us next." Sarah said mysteriously as Clara giggled because Marie looked puzzled.

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